A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


g - Variable in class dclap.Gr2PICT
g - Variable in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
g - Variable in class gui.ImageFrame
g - Variable in class gui.FloatPlane
gauss(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
gauss15() - Method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
gauss3() - Method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
gauss31() - Method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
gauss7() - Method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
gBar - Variable in class gui.FloatPlane
gcd(int, int) - Static method in class gui.FFTFrame
get1DArraysFromParent() - Method in class gui.FFTRadix2
getA(int) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Claim there are no other relevant BeanInfo objects.
getAlpha(int) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getAlpha(int[]) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getAM() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
GetAndStoreThread - class ftp.GetAndStoreThread.
GetAndStoreThread(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ftp.GetAndStoreThread
getAppletContext() - Method in class audio.AudioApplet
getArray() - Method in class gui.Mat4
getArray() - Method in class gui.Mat3
getAsShortgz() - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
getAttribute(String) - Method in class futils.utils.ClassFile
Return the attribute named 'name' from the class file.
getAudioData() - Method in class audio.Audio
getAverageCMF() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
getBBar() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
getBlue(int) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getBlue(int) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getBlue(int[]) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getBlueArray(int[]) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getBlueImaginary() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
getBlueReal() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
getBounds() - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
Returns the bounding rectangle of the current clipping area.
getCenter() - Method in class hak.P4
getCenter() - Method in class hak.Point4
getClassName() - Method in class futils.utils.ClassFile
getClassName() - Method in class rmiimage.Compile
getClassPath() - Method in class rmiimage.Compile
getClip() - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
getClipBounds() - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
getCMF() - Method in class gui.Histogram
getColor() - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
Gets the current color.
getColor() - Method in class tracer.Light
getColor(float, float) - Method in class raul.Fractals
getColum() - Method in class hak.QuestionDialog
getConstantPoolItem(short) - Method in class futils.utils.ClassFile
Return a constant pool item from this class.
getConstantRef(short) - Method in class futils.utils.ClassFile
getCost() - Method in class gui.Edgel
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Deny knowledge of a default event.
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Deny knowledge of a default property.
getDestPoly() - Method in class hak.SmallImageFrame
getDir() - Method in class graphics.ProtoType
getDir(String) - Method in class hak.CopyDir
getDirFile() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getDirFiles(File) - Static method in class futils.Ls
getDirName() - Static method in class futils.Ls
getDirNames() - Static method in class futils.Ls
getDirNames(File) - Static method in class futils.Ls
getDoubleArray() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
getDoubleData() - Method in interface audio.DoubleDataProducer
getDoubles() - Method in class raul.MyOpenFrame
getDuration() - Method in class audio.Audio
getDuration() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
getDuration() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getElapsedTime() - Method in class gui.Timer
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Deny knowledge of event sets.
getExtention() - Method in class htmlconverter.HtmlGenerator
getEye() - Method in class tracer.Scene
getFileAndStore(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ftp.FTPCommands
getFileInputStream() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getFileInputStream(File) - Static method in class futils.Futil
getFileInputStream(String) - Static method in class futils.Futil
getFileList(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ftp.FTPCommands
getFileName() - Method in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
getFileName() - Method in class gui.ImageFrame
getFileNames() - Method in class gui.TopFrame
getFileNames() - Method in class gui.AnimateFrame
getFileNames() - Method in class htmlconverter.FileControlPanel
getFileOutputStream() - Static method in class dclap.PictFrame
getFileOutputStream(String) - Method in class gui.SaveFrame
getFileWriter() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getFM() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getFont() - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
Gets the current font.
getFontMetrics() - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
Gets the current font metrics.
getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class dclap.Gr2PICT
Gets the current font metrics for the specified font.
getFreeRam() - Method in class futils.Exec
getFreeRatioPercent() - Method in class futils.Exec
getFrequency() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getGaussKernel(int, int, double) - Static method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
getGBar() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
getGreen(int) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getGreen(int) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getGreen(int[]) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getGreenArray(int[]) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getGreenImaginary() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
getGreenReal() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
getHeight() - Method in class gui.ImageSequence
getIcon(int) - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Claim there are no icons available.
getIconComponent(byte[][]) - Method in class gui.IconFrame
getIdx() - Method in class hak.P4
getIdy() - Method in class hak.P4
getImage() - Method in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
getImage() - Method in class gui.ImageFrame
getImage() - Static method in class idx.NumImage
getImage() - Static method in class raul.NumImage
getImaginary() - Method in class futils.utils.Complex
getImaginaryData() - Method in class vs.vsFFT1D
getIndex(int, int) - Method in class hak.SmallImageFrame
getInput() - Method in class hak.InputDialog
getInputFiles(String) - Method in class hak.CopyDir
getInputStream(URL) - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
getLaplaceOfGaussianKernel(int, int, double) - Static method in class gui.EdgeFrame
getLastTK(String) - Static method in class hak.MyFtp
getLength() - Method in class audio.Audio
getLength() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
getLight() - Method in class tracer.Scene
getLocation() - Method in class graphics.Pointf
Returns the location of this point.
getLut() - Method in class gui.TransformTable
getMax() - Method in class audio.Audio
getMax() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
getMax() - Method in class gui.FloatPlane
getMax(float[][]) - Method in class gui.FloatPlane
getMax(short[]) - Method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
getMethod() - Method in class gui.ComparableMethod
getMethod(Class, String) - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
getMethodDescriptors() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Deny knowledge of methods.
getMethodsWithNoArguments() - Method in class gui.TopFrame
getMin() - Method in class audio.Audio
getMin() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
getMin() - Method in class gui.FloatPlane
getMin(float[][]) - Method in class gui.FloatPlane
getMin(short[]) - Method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
getName(String) - Static method in class net.DNS
getNumberOfTargets() - Method in class tracer.Scene
getOneOnFKernel(int, int) - Static method in class gui.SpatialFilterFrame
getParent() - Method in class gui.Edgel
getPath(Edgel) - Method in class gui.MartelliFrame
getPels() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
getPly() - Method in class gui.Edgel
getPMF() - Method in class gui.Histogram
getPoly(Polygon[]) - Method in class hak.SmallImageFrame
getPolygon() - Method in class graphics.SketchFrame
getPolygon() - Method in class graphics.Spiral
getPolygon() - Method in class gui.DotArray
getPolygon() - Method in class gui.AffineFrame
getPolyList() - Method in class gui.BoundaryFrame
getPosition() - Method in class tracer.Light
getPosition() - Method in class tracer.Eye
getPreferredSize() - Method in class gui.IconComponent
getPreferredSize() - Method in class hak.P4
getPreferredSize() - Method in class hak.Point4
getPreferredSize() - Method in class rmiimage.MovableComponent
getPrintRamString() - Method in class futils.Exec
getPrintStream() - Static method in class futils.Print
getPrintWriter() - Method in class graphics.ProtoType
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
Deny knowledge of properties.
getPS() - Method in class gui.ShortCutFrame
getQuickDrawFontNum(String) - Static method in class dclap.QD
getQuotes() - Method in class graphics.QuoteFrame
getRBar() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
getReadFile() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getReadFileName() - Static method in class ftp.Futils
getReadFileName() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getReadFileName() - Method in class graphics.ProtoType
getReadFileName() - Method in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
getReadFileName() - Static method in class gui.ImageFrame
getReadFileName(String) - Static method in class gui.ImageFrame
getReal() - Method in class futils.utils.Complex
getRealData() - Method in class vs.vsFFT1D
getRed(int) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getRed(int) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getRed(int[]) - Static method in class fft.ImageUtils
getRedArray(int[]) - Method in class vs.ColorUtils
getRedImaginary() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
getRedReal() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
getResizedImage(int, int) - Method in class hak.SmallImage
getRow() - Method in class hak.QuestionDialog
getSampleRate() - Method in class audio.Audio
getSampleRate() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getSaveDirectoryName(String) - Method in class gui.SaveFrame
getSaveFileName(String) - Static method in class gui.SaveFrame
getSaveFileName(String) - Method in class gui.MatFloat
getSaveName(String) - Method in class gui.SaveFrame
getSawWave() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getSelectedIcon() - Method in class gui.IconFrame
getShortCut(KeyEvent) - Static method in class gui.ShortCutFrame
getShortCutString(String) - Method in class gui.BeanFrame
getShortImage(InputStream) - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
getShortImageZip() - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
getShortImageZip(String) - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
getShortImageZip2(String) - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
getShorts() - Method in class raul.MyOpenFrame
getSineWave() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getSize() - Method in class gui.ImageSequence
getSNR() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
getSNRinDb() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
getSourcePoly() - Method in class hak.SmallImageFrame
getSpeed() - Method in class rmiimage.CpuPanel
getSquareWave() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getStream() - Method in class gui.StreamSniffer
getStringForId(int) - Method in class gui.StreamSniffer
getTargetAt(int) - Method in class tracer.Scene
getText() - Method in class htmlconverter.FileControlField
getTheLargestPoints(int) - Method in class gui.BoundaryFrame
getTime() - Method in class gui.Timer
getTotalNoisePower() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
getTotalRam() - Method in class futils.Exec
getTotalSignalPower() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
getTriangleWave() - Method in class audio.Oscillator
getType() - Method in class gui.Edgel
getUlawData() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
getUrl(String) - Static method in class graphics.Quote
getUrl(String) - Static method in class net.UrlUtils
getUserInput() - Method in class apurva.ExpandoLog
getUserInput() - Method in class gui.ExpandoLog
getUserInput() - Method in class gui.BooLog
getUserInput() - Method in class gui.ArrayDialog
getUserInputAsDouble() - Method in class gui.DoubleLog
getUserInputAsDouble() - Method in class gui.DoubleArrayLog
getUserInputAsFloat() - Method in class gui.DoubleArrayLog
getWidth() - Method in class gui.ImageSequence
getWildFiles(File, String) - Static method in class futils.Ls
getWildFiles(String) - Static method in class futils.Ls
getWildNames(File, String) - Static method in class futils.Ls
getWildNames(String) - Static method in class futils.Ls
getWnH() - Method in class hak.MyPanel
getWriteDirectoryName() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getWriteFile() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getWriteFileName() - Static method in class dclap.PictFrame
getWriteFileName() - Static method in class ftp.Futils
getWriteFileName() - Static method in class futils.Futil
getWriteFileName() - Method in class graphics.ProtoType
getWriteFileOutputStream() - Static method in class futils.Futil
GIF87a - Static variable in class gui.StreamSniffer
GIF89a - Static variable in class gui.StreamSniffer
Globals - interface gui.Globals.
GOSLAB - class graphics.GOSLAB.
goslab() - Method in class gui.TopFrame
GOSLAB() - Constructor for class graphics.GOSLAB
GOSLAB(GridBagConstraints, GridBagConstraints, GridBagConstraints) - Constructor for class graphics.GOSLAB
Gr2PICT - class dclap.Gr2PICT.
Gr2PICT is a Graphics subclass that draws to PICT format.
Gr2PICT(OutputStream, Graphics) - Constructor for class dclap.Gr2PICT
Constructs a new Gr2PICT Object.
Gr2PICT(OutputStream, Graphics, int) - Constructor for class dclap.Gr2PICT
grab(Container) - Method in class gui.GrabFrame
grabChild() - Method in class gui.BoundaryFrame
GrabFrame - class gui.GrabFrame.
grabFrame(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gui.PaintFrame
GrabFrame(String) - Constructor for class gui.GrabFrame
grabNumImage() - Method in class gui.ImageFrame
grabTestPattern() - Method in class gui.GrabFrame
Graph - class gui.Graph.
Graph(String, Plot1) - Constructor for class gui.Graph
GraphEditor3D - class gui.GraphEditor3D.
graphics - package graphics
gray - Static variable in class gui.NumImage
gray - Static variable in class idx.NumImage
gray - Static variable in class raul.NumImage
gray() - Method in class gui.FilterFrame
GrayLog - class gui.GrayLog.
GrayLog(NegateFrame, String, String[], String[], int) - Constructor for class gui.GrayLog
grayPyramid(float[][]) - Method in class gui.BoundaryFrame
green - Variable in class gui.IconFrame
grid(int, Graphics, Color) - Static method in class futils.utils.Draw
GridImage - class gui.GridImage.
GridImage - class raul.GridImage.
gui - package gui
GZIP - Static variable in class gui.StreamSniffer

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _