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r - Variable in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
r - Variable in class gui.ImageFrame
r - Variable in class gui.FloatPlane
radians_to_degrees(double) - Static method in class futils.utils.Computation
Radius - Variable in class raul.Object3D
rand(int, int) - Static method in class gui.ConvolutionFrame
randImage() - Method in class gui.ConvolutionFrame
randImage(int, int) - Method in class gui.ConvolutionFrame
randomize() - Method in class gui.TransformTable
raul - package raul
Ray2d - class graphics.Ray2d.
Ray2d(Line2d) - Constructor for class graphics.Ray2d
Ray2d(Vec2d, Vec2d) - Constructor for class graphics.Ray2d
RayleighLog - class gui.RayleighLog.
rayleighLog() - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
RayleighLog(NegateFrame, String, String[], String[], int) - Constructor for class gui.RayleighLog
rBar - Variable in class gui.FloatPlane
read(DataInputStream) - Method in class futils.utils.ConstantPoolInfo
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class futils.utils.MethodInfo
Read a method_info from the data stream.
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class futils.utils.FieldInfo
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class futils.utils.AttributeInfo
read(InputStream) - Method in class futils.utils.ClassFile
Read a class from InputStream in.
readArray(short[][], DataInputStream) - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
readAsgz(String) - Method in class gui.MatFloat
readAU(InputStream) - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
readAU(URL) - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
readAUFile() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
readAUFile(String) - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
readDataFile(String, double[]) - Static method in class futils.Futil
readHeader(DataInputStream) - Method in class gui.OpenFrame
readNext(ZipInputStream) - Method in class hak.RecieveFrame
readShortsZIP(String, int) - Method in class raul.MyOpenFrame
real - Variable in class futils.utils.Complex
RecieveFrame - class hak.RecieveFrame.
RecieveFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class hak.RecieveFrame
record() - Method in class vs.vsTimer
Rect2d - class graphics.Rect2d.
Rect2d(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class graphics.Rect2d
RectangleComponent - class rmiimage.RectangleComponent.
RectangleComponent(boolean) - Constructor for class rmiimage.RectangleComponent
recurseWild(Vector, File, String) - Static method in class futils.Find
red - Variable in class gui.IconFrame
reduceTree() - Method in class hak.Octree
reLocate() - Method in class hak.MyPanel
reMap(short[][], short[][], short[][]) - Method in class hak.Octree
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gui.IconComponent
rename() - Method in class gui.TopFrame
render() - Method in class tracer.Scene
renderABand - renders lines y0 through y1, returning the result.
render1() - Method in class tracer.Scene
renderALine(short) - Method in class tracer.Scene
replaceString(String, String, String) - Method in class hak.CopyDir
report() - Method in class vs.vsTimer
report(PrintStream) - Method in class vs.vsTimer
resample(int) - Method in class gui.MorphFrame
resample2(int) - Method in class gui.MorphFrame
resampleArray(short[][], int) - Method in class gui.MorphFrame
reservedWords - Static variable in class htmlconverter.JavaStream
resetImages() - Method in class gui.ImageSequence
reshape() - Method in class hak.Point4
reshape(Point, Dimension) - Method in class hak.Point4
resizeFrame() - Method in class gui.PaintFrame
reverse2dFFT() - Method in class vs.vsFFT
reverseFFT(double[], double[]) - Method in class vs.vsFFT1D
reverseFFT(float[], float[]) - Method in class vs.vsFFT
reverseUlaw() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
revert() - Method in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
revert() - Method in class gui.ImageFrame
revert() - Method in class gui.GrabFrame
revert1() - Method in class gui.GridImage
revert1() - Method in class raul.GridImage
revertNoResize() - Method in class graphics.SimpleImageFrame
revertNoResize() - Method in class gui.ImageFrame
Rgb - class gui.Rgb.
Rgb(ColorFrame) - Constructor for class gui.Rgb
rgb2Ccir601_2cbcr() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
rgb2Complex() - Method in class gui.FFTFrame
rgb2hls() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
rgb2hsb() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
rgb2iyq() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
rgb2xyzd65() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
rgb2yuv() - Method in class gui.ColorFrame
rgbtohsb(float, float, float, float[]) - Method in class gui.Hsb
rmic() - Method in class gui.TopFrame
rmic() - Method in class rmiimage.Compile
rmiimage - package rmiimage
rnahe(double) - Method in class gui.NegateFrame
roberts2() - Method in class gui.EdgeFrame
Rot - Variable in class raul.Object3D
rotate() - Method in class gui.XformFrame
rotateImage(int[], int, int, double) - Method in class vs.ImageUtils
RotoLog - class gui.RotoLog.
RotoLog(XformFrame, String, String[], String[], int) - Constructor for class gui.RotoLog
run() - Method in class audio.UlawCodec
run() - Method in class ftp.GetAndStoreThread
run() - Method in class idx.Application
run() - Method in class raul.SnowMan
run(Applet) - Static method in class futils.utils.AppletUtil
run(String) - Method in class futils.Exec
run(TopFrame) - Method in class gui.BenchMark
running - Variable in class gui.AnimateFrame
runTimeInSeconds - Static variable in class gui.MartelliFrame

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