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Class net.Form


class Form
extends java.awt.Panel
A form for obtaining user input. Customize this for your application, just as you would customize an HTML form for a Web-based e-mail application.

Variable Index

 o applet
 o emailField
 o emailLabel
 o msgBodyArea
 o msgBodyLabel
 o nameField
 o nameLabel
 o orgField
 o orgLabel
 o sendButton

Constructor Index

 o Form(SendMail)
The constructor

Method Index

 o email()
Return the value in the e-mail address field in the form
 o handleEvent(Event)
Respond to the button click event: send the message.
 o message()
Return the contents of the body of the form, including any "hidden" fields.


 o applet
 net.SendMail applet
 o nameLabel
 java.awt.Label nameLabel
 o nameField
 java.awt.TextField nameField
 o emailLabel
 java.awt.Label emailLabel
 o emailField
 java.awt.TextField emailField
 o orgLabel
 java.awt.Label orgLabel
 o orgField
 java.awt.TextField orgField
 o msgBodyLabel
 java.awt.Label msgBodyLabel
 o msgBodyArea
 java.awt.TextArea msgBodyArea
 o sendButton
 java.awt.Button sendButton


 o Form
 public Form(net.SendMail ap)
The constructor


 o email
 public java.lang.String email()
Return the value in the e-mail address field in the form

 o message
 public java.lang.String message()
Return the contents of the body of the form, including any "hidden" fields.

 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(java.awt.Event e)
Respond to the button click event: send the message.

handleEvent in class java.awt.Component

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