Uses of Class

Packages that use ConstantPoolInfo

Uses of ConstantPoolInfo in futils.utils

Methods in futils.utils that return ConstantPoolInfo
 ConstantPoolInfo ClassFile.getConstantRef(short index)
 ConstantPoolInfo ClassFile.getConstantPoolItem(short index)
          Return a constant pool item from this class.
 ConstantPoolInfo ConstantPoolInfo.inPool(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Returns the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.

Methods in futils.utils with parameters of type ConstantPoolInfo
 short ClassFile.addConstantPoolItem(ConstantPoolInfo item)
          Add a single constant pool item and return its index.
 void ClassFile.addConstantPoolItems(ConstantPoolInfo[] items)
          Add some items to the constant pool.
 void ConstantPoolInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
static short ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(ConstantPoolInfo item, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 boolean ConstantPoolInfo.isEqual(ConstantPoolInfo cp)
          Returns true if these constant pool items are identical.
 ConstantPoolInfo ConstantPoolInfo.inPool(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Returns the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.
 boolean di, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Read a method_info from the data stream.
 void MethodInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Write out a method_info, do constant table fixups on the write.
 boolean di, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 void FieldInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 java.lang.String FieldInfo.toString(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 boolean di, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 void AttributeInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 java.lang.String AttributeInfo.toString(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 java.lang.String AttributeInfo.toBoolean(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)

Constructors in futils.utils with parameters of type ConstantPoolInfo
AttributeInfo(ConstantPoolInfo newName, byte[] newData)