Uses of Interface

Packages that use ODESolver

Uses of ODESolver in math.numerics

Subinterfaces of ODESolver in math.numerics
 interface ODEAdaptiveSolver
          ODEAdaptiveSolver extends the ODE solver to add adaptive step size capabilities.
 interface ODEEventSolver
          ODEEventSolver is an interface for a Solver for ODE which accepts and deals with StateEvents

Classes in math.numerics that implement ODESolver
 class Euler
          Euler implements an Euler method ODE solver.
 class EulerRichardson
          Title: EulerRichardson Description: An Euler-Richardson method ODE solver.
 class ODEBisectionEventSolver
          ODEBisectionEventSolver is an ODEEventSolver that uses the bisection method for root finding.
 class ODEMultistepSolver
          ODEMultistepSolver performs multiple ODE steps so that a uniform step size is maintained.
 class RK4
          Title: RK4 Description: A fourth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver.
 class RK45
          Title: RK45 Description: RK4/5 ODE solver with variable step size.
 class RK45MultiStep
          Title: RK45MultiStep Description: Perform multiple RK4/5 ODE steps so that a uniform step size is maintained
 class VelocityVerlet
          VelocityVerlet: A velocity Verlet method ODE solver.
 class Verlet
          Verlet method ODE solver.