Uses of Interface

Packages that use Function

Uses of Function in math.approximations

Classes in math.approximations that implement Function
 class CubicSpline
 class Polynomial
          Polynomial implements a mathematical polynomial: c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * x^2 + ....
 class PolynomialLeastSquareFit
          Polynomial least square fit without any error estimation.

Methods in math.approximations that return Function
static Function CurveFitting.LinearRegression(double[] xpoints, double[] ypoints)
          Computes the linear regression for the given data.

Uses of Function in math.numerics

Subinterfaces of Function in math.numerics
 interface InvertibleFunction
          Title: InvertibleFunction Description: An invertible function of one variable.

Classes in math.numerics that implement Function
 class LegendreInterpolator
          LegendreInterpolator uses a polynomial interpolation formula to evaluate values between data points.
 class LogBase10Function
 class MathExpParser
          MathExpParser defines an abstract super class for mathematical expression parsers.
 class ParsedFunction
          ParsedFunction defines a function of a single varianble using a String.
 class SuryonoParser
          The class Parser is a mathematical expression parser.

Methods in math.numerics that return Function
static Function Util.constantFunction(double _c)
          Creates a function having a constant value.

Methods in math.numerics with parameters of type Function
static double Root.bisection(Function f, double x1, double x2, double tol)
          Implements the bisection method for finding the root of a function.
static double Derivative.centered(Function f, double x, double h)
          Calculates the derivative of a function using the centered difference approximation.
static double[][] Derivative.fillArray(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol, double[][] data)
          Fills an array with the derivatives of a function.
static double[][] Integral.fillArray(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol, double[][] data)
          Fills the given data array with the intgral of the given function.
static double[][] Derivative.fillArray(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol, int n)
static double[][] Integral.fillArray(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol, int n)
          Fills a data array with the integral of the given function.
static double[][] Util.functionFill(Function f, double start, double stop, double[][] data)
          Fills an array with f(x) values.
static double[][] Util.functionFill(Function f, double start, double stop, int n)
          Fills an array with f(x) values.
static double[] Util.getDomain(Function f, double a, double b, int n)
static double Root.newton(Function f, double x, double tol)
          Implements Newton's method for finding the root of a function.
static double Root.newton(Function f, Function df, double x, double tol)
          Implements Newton's method for finding the root of a function.
static double Integral.ode(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol)
static double Derivative.romberg(Function f, double x0, double h, double tol)
          Calculates the derivative using the Romberg scheme for Richardson extrapolation.
static double Integral.romberg(Function f, double a, double b, int n, double tol)
          Integrates the function using Romberg's algorithm based on Richardson's deferred approach.
static double Derivative.second(Function f, double x, double tol)
static double[][] Derivative.secondFillArray(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol, double[][] data)
          Fills an array with the second derivative of a function.
static double[][] Derivative.secondFillArray(Function f, double start, double stop, double tol, int n)
          Fills an array with the second derivative of a function.
static double Integral.simpson(Function f, double start, double stop, int n)
          Numerical integration using Simpson's rule.
static double Integral.simpson(Function f, double start, double stop, int n, double tol)
          Numerical integration using Simpson's rule.
static double Integral.trapezoidal(Function f, double start, double stop, int n, double tol)
          Integrates the function using the trapezoidal method.