Package math.fourierTransforms.interleaved

Class Summary
ComplexDouble2DFFT Computes the FFT of 2 dimensional complex, double precision data.
ComplexDoubleFFT Abstract Class representing FFT's of complex, double precision data.
ComplexDoubleFFT_Mixed Computes FFT's of complex, double precision data of arbitrary length n.
ComplexDoubleFFT_Radix2 Computes FFT's of complex, double precision data where n is an integer power of 2.
ComplexFloat2DFFT Computes the FFT of 2 dimensional complex, single precision data.
ComplexFloatFFT Abstract Class representing FFT's of complex, single precision data.
ComplexFloatFFT_Mixed Computes FFT's of complex, single precision data of arbitrary length n.
ComplexFloatFFT_Radix2 Computes FFT's of complex, single precision data where n is an integer power of 2.
Factorize Supplies static methods for factoring integers needed by various FFT classes.
RealDoubleFFT Abstract Class representing FFT's of real, double precision data.
RealDoubleFFT_Even Computes FFT's of real, double precision data when n is even, by computing complex FFT.
RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 Computes FFT's of real, double precision data where n is an integral power of 2.
RealFloat2DFFT_Even EXPERIMENTAL! (till I think of something better): Computes the FFT of 2 dimensional real, single precision data.
RealFloatFFT Abstract Class representing FFT's of real, single precision data.
RealFloatFFT_Radix2 Computes FFT's of real, single precision data where n is an integral power of 2.