Uses of Class

Packages that use Vec3Float

Uses of Vec3Float in graphics.zbuffer

Methods in graphics.zbuffer that return Vec3Float
 Vec3Float Applet3d.matrixvectorproduct(Mat4 b, Vec3Float a)
 Vec3Float Applet3d.rndVector()

Methods in graphics.zbuffer with parameters of type Vec3Float
 void Applet3d.addLight(Vec3Float v, int mode, int intensity)
 Vec3Float Applet3d.matrixvectorproduct(Mat4 b, Vec3Float a)

Constructors in graphics.zbuffer with parameters of type Vec3Float
Light(Vec3Float lvect, int lmode, int lintensity)

Uses of Vec3Float in math

Methods in math that return Vec3Float
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.getNormal(Vec3Float a, Vec3Float b, Vec3Float c)
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.matrixvectorproduct(Mat4f b, Vec3Float a)
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.normalize(Vec3Float v)
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.vectordist(Vec3Float v1, Vec3Float v2)

Methods in math with parameters of type Vec3Float
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.getNormal(Vec3Float a, Vec3Float b, Vec3Float c)
static float Vec3Float.length(Vec3Float v)
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.matrixvectorproduct(Mat4f b, Vec3Float a)
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.normalize(Vec3Float v)
static Vec3Float Vec3Float.vectordist(Vec3Float v1, Vec3Float v2)