Uses of Class

Packages that use ParticleAgeAlpha

Uses of ParticleAgeAlpha in j3d.examples.particles.influences

Constructors in j3d.examples.particles.influences with parameters of type ParticleAgeAlpha
EmitShapeLight(ParticleAgeAlpha anAlpha, javax.vecmath.Color3f aColor, float aConstant, float aLinear, float aQuadradic)
          Emit a point light based on the particle age alpha.
FadePoint(ParticleAgeAlpha anAlpha)
          Fade the alpha component of the color of a point based on the ParticleAgeAlpha object over the life of the affected particle.
FadeShape(ParticleAgeAlpha anAlpha)
          Fade the alpha component of the color of a shape based on the ParticleAgeAlpha object over the life of the affected particle.
Scale(float aBase, float aScale, ParticleAgeAlpha anAlpha)