Uses of Interface

Packages that use HppFilterInterface

Uses of HppFilterInterface in j2d

Methods in j2d with parameters of type HppFilterInterface
static java.awt.Image ImageUtils.getImage(java.awt.Image img, HppFilterInterface f)
static java.awt.Image ImageUtils.getImage(short[][] r, HppFilterInterface f)
static java.awt.Image ImageUtils.getImage(short[][] r, short[][] g, short[][] b, HppFilterInterface f)
 void ShortImageBean.process(HppFilterInterface hppFilter)

Uses of HppFilterInterface in j2d.color

Classes in j2d.color that implement HppFilterInterface
 class PseudoColorFilter

Uses of HppFilterInterface in j2d.gui

Methods in j2d.gui with parameters of type HppFilterInterface
 void Main.process(HppFilterInterface hppfilter)

Uses of HppFilterInterface in j2d.hpp

Classes in j2d.hpp that implement HppFilterInterface
 class ContrastFilter
 class EnaheFilter
 class EqualizationFilter
 class InvertFilter
 class NoOpFilter
 class OriginalColorFilter
 class ThresholdProcessor

Methods in j2d.hpp with parameters of type HppFilterInterface
static java.awt.Image HppFilterImageProcessor.getImage(java.awt.Image img, HppFilterInterface f)

Constructors in j2d.hpp with parameters of type HppFilterInterface
HppFilterImageProcessor(HppFilterInterface _f)
HppTransformTable(HppFilterInterface f)