Uses of Class

Packages that use WholeImageFilter

Uses of WholeImageFilter in com.jhlabs.image

Subclasses of WholeImageFilter in com.jhlabs.image
 class BinaryFilter
 class CausticsFilter
          A filter which simulates underwater caustics.
 class CellularFilter
 class ContourFilter
 class CrystallizeFilter
 class DespeckleFilter
 class DiffusionFilter
          A filter which uses Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion dithering to halftone an image.
 class DilateFilter
          Given a binary image, this filter performs binary dilation, setting all added pixels to the given 'new' color.
 class EdgeFilter
          An edge-detection filter.
 class EmbossFilter
          A class to emboss an image.
 class ErodeFilter
          Given a binary image, this filter performs binary erosion, setting all removed pixels to the given 'new' color.
 class Flush3DFilter
          This filter tries to apply the Swing "flush 3D" effect to the black lines in an image.
 class LevelsFilter
          A filter which allows levels adjustment on an image.
 class LifeFilter
 class LightFilter
 class MaximumFilter
 class MedianFilter
          A filter which performs a 3x3 median operation.
 class MinimumFilter
 class OutlineFilter
          Given a binary image, this filter converts it to its outline, replacing all interior pixels with the 'new' color.
 class PlasmaFilter
 class PointillizeFilter
 class QuiltFilter
 class ReduceNoiseFilter
          A filter which performs reduces noise by looking at each pixel's 8 neighbours, and if it's a minimum or maximum, replacing it by the next minimum or maximum of the neighbours.
 class ShadeFilter
 class ShapeFilter
 class SkeletonFilter
 class SmearFilter
 class WarpFilter
          A filter for warping images using the gridwarp algorithm.

Uses of WholeImageFilter in j2d.filters

Subclasses of WholeImageFilter in j2d.filters
 class ChromeFilter
          A filter which simulates chrome.

Uses of WholeImageFilter in j2d.hpp

Subclasses of WholeImageFilter in j2d.hpp
 class OilFilterProcessor