Uses of Class

Packages that use ShortImageBean

Uses of ShortImageBean in gui

Methods in gui with parameters of type ShortImageBean
 void ImageBeanInterface.setImage(ShortImageBean sib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in ip.gui.frames

Fields in ip.gui.frames declared as ShortImageBean
 ShortImageBean ImageFrame.shortImageBean

Methods in ip.gui.frames that return ShortImageBean
 ShortImageBean ImageFrame.getShortImageBean()

Methods in ip.gui.frames with parameters of type ShortImageBean
static void NegateFrame.linearTransform(double c, double br, ShortImageBean b)
static void NegateFrame.powImage(ImageFrame ifi, ShortImageBean nf, double p)
 void ImageFrame.setShortImageBean(ShortImageBean sib)
 void SpatialFilterFrame.subtract(ShortImageBean sibB)

Constructors in ip.gui.frames with parameters of type ShortImageBean
TopFrame(java.lang.String title, ShortImageBean nsib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in ip.transforms

Methods in ip.transforms with parameters of type ShortImageBean
 void Polygons.buildPolygonList(ShortImageBean sib, int x, int y)

Uses of ShortImageBean in j2d

Methods in j2d that return ShortImageBean
static ShortImageBean ShortImageBean.copy(ShortImageBean sib)
static ShortImageBean ImageUtils.cutBean(ShortImageBean sib, int x1, int y1, int w, int h)
 ShortImageBean ShortImageBean.getImageFlowBean()
 ShortImageBean ShortImageBeans.getMaxBean()
 ShortImageBean[] ShortImageBeans.getShortImageBeans()
static ShortImageBean ShortImageBean.readPpm( fn)

Methods in j2d with parameters of type ShortImageBean
 void ShortImageBeans.add(ShortImageBean sib)
 void ShortImageBean.average(ShortImageBean sib)
          average averages the input short image bean with the given short image bean ShortImageBean sib, sib2; sib.average(sib2); This is like: a = avg(a,b);
 void BoundaryUtils.bugWalk(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
 void FloatImageBean.chromaMark(ShortImageBean sib, int umin, int umax, int vmin, int vmax)
          Color key coordinates to introduce a mark
 void Clipper.clip(ShortImageBean sib)
static void ShortImageBean.clip(ShortImageBean sib)
static void MorphUtils.close(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.colorClose(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.colorDilate(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.colorDilateErode(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.colorErode(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.colorOpen(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.colorPyramid(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static ShortImageBean ShortImageBean.copy(ShortImageBean sib)
 void FloatImageBean.copyFloats(ShortImageBean sib)
static java.awt.Image ImageUtils.cropImage(ShortImageBean sib, java.awt.Point min, java.awt.Point max)
          Crop the image in the SIB to the size of min and max
static ShortImageBean ImageUtils.cutBean(ShortImageBean sib, int x1, int y1, int w, int h)
static void MorphUtils.deleteFlagedPoints(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void MorphUtils.dilate(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void ShortImageBean.drawHoughLineGray(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, int x, int y, short[][] s)
static void MorphUtils.erode(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.erode5(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void ImageUtils.freiChen(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
 double ShortImageBean.getSNRinDb(ShortImageBean sib)
 float ShortImageBean.getTotalNoisePower(ShortImageBean sib)
static void MorphUtils.insideContour(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
 void ShortImageBean.mask(ShortImageBean background)
static void MorphUtils.middleContour(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void MorphUtils.outsideContour(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
static void ImageUtils.pasteBean(ShortImageBean littleOne, ShortImageBean bigOne, int x1, int y1)
          pasteBean alters is bigOne argument
static void ImageUtils.pixelDifference(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void ImageUtils.prewitt(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static short MorphUtils.redPassSuen(ShortImageBean sib, boolean firstPass)
static void MorphUtils.resample(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, int ratio)
static void ImageUtils.roberts2(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void MorphUtils.roberts2(ShortImageBean sib)
static void MorphUtils.serria(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k)
 void ImageBean.setImage(ShortImageBean sib)
static void MorphUtils.singlePixelEdge(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void ImageUtils.sizeDetector(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void MorphUtils.skeleton(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static boolean MorphUtils.skeletonRedPassSuen(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, boolean firstPass)
 void ShortImageBean.subtract(ShortImageBean sib)
          a = a - b;
static void ShortImageBean.subtract(ShortImageBean sibA, ShortImageBean sibB)
static void ShortImageBean.templateEdge(ShortImageBean shortImageBean, float[][] k1, float[][] k2)
static void MorphUtils.thin(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
static void MorphUtils.thresh(ShortImageBean shortImageBean)
 void FloatImageBean.threshColor(ShortImageBean sib, int[] fa)
 void FloatImageBean.threshColor(ShortImageBean sib, int umin, int umax, int vmin, int vmax)

Constructors in j2d with parameters of type ShortImageBean
FloatImageBean(ShortImageBean sib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in j2d.color

Methods in j2d.color with parameters of type ShortImageBean
 void Hsb.chromaMark(ShortImageBean sib, double hmin, double hmax, double smin, double smax)
 void Wu.remapImage(ShortImageBean sib)
          this algorithm makes use of the existing color lookup table and box data structures.
 void Wu.wuQuantization(ShortImageBean sib, int n)

Constructors in j2d.color with parameters of type ShortImageBean
ColorHash(ShortImageBean sib)
          Construct a unique list of colors in the color has table.
IndexImageBean(ShortImageBean sib)
          Make an instance of an IndexImageBean from a ShortImageBean.

Uses of ShortImageBean in j2d.color.histogram24

Constructors in j2d.color.histogram24 with parameters of type ShortImageBean
MyRgbColorStats(ShortImageBean sib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in j2d.color.lut

Methods in j2d.color.lut that return ShortImageBean
static ShortImageBean IndexImageFrame.getSpectrogramImageBean()

Uses of ShortImageBean in j2d.color.quantization

Fields in j2d.color.quantization declared as ShortImageBean
 ShortImageBean ColorFrame.shortImageBean

Methods in j2d.color.quantization that return ShortImageBean
 ShortImageBean ColorFrame.getShortImageBean()

Methods in j2d.color.quantization with parameters of type ShortImageBean
 void ColorFrame.setShortImageBean(ShortImageBean sib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in

Methods in with parameters of type ShortImageBean
static void FilterMenu.zeroPadImage(ShortImageBean sibImage, ShortImageBean sibTemplate)

Uses of ShortImageBean in math

Constructors in math with parameters of type ShortImageBean
RgbStats(ShortImageBean sib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in math.fourierTransforms.r2

Methods in math.fourierTransforms.r2 that return ShortImageBean
 ShortImageBean FFTrgb.getShortImageBean()
 ShortImageBean FFT1dComplexFloatImage.getShortImageBean()

Constructors in math.fourierTransforms.r2 with parameters of type ShortImageBean
FFTShortImageBean(ShortImageBean sib)

Uses of ShortImageBean in

Subclasses of ShortImageBean in
 class FractalShortImageBean

Methods in that return ShortImageBean
 ShortImageBean[] FractalLogic.TopDownPartition2(ShortImageBean sib, int noParts)

Methods in with parameters of type ShortImageBean
 ComputeJob[] Fractals.getComputeJob(ShortImageBean[] sibs, int orgWidth, int orgHeight)
 ComputeJob[] FractalLogic.TopDownPartition(ShortImageBean sib, int noParts)
 ShortImageBean[] FractalLogic.TopDownPartition2(ShortImageBean sib, int noParts)