Uses of Class

Packages that use CtMethod
classUtils.javassist.expr This package contains the classes for modifying a method body. 

Uses of CtMethod in classUtils.javassist

Methods in classUtils.javassist that return CtMethod
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.abstractMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.copy(CtMethod src, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.copy(CtMethod src, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a method with a new name.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.delegator(CtMethod delegate, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a method forwarding to a delegate in a super class.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the method with the specified name among the methods declared in the class.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass[] params)
          Retrieves the method with the specified name and parameter types among the methods declared in the class.
 CtMethod[] CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredMethods()
          Gets all methods declared in the class.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getMethod(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Returns the method with the given name and signature.
 CtMethod ClassPool.getMethod(java.lang.String classname, java.lang.String methodname)
          Reads a class file and obtains a compile-time method.
 CtMethod[] CompileTimeClass.getMethods()
          Returns an array containing CtMethod objects representing all the public methods of the class.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.getter(java.lang.String methodName, CtField field)
          Creates a public getter method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring, java.lang.String delegateObj, java.lang.String delegateMethod)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.setter(java.lang.String methodName, CtField field)
          Creates a public setter method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.wrapped(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameterTypes, CompileTimeClass[] exceptionTypes, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter constParam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a wrapped method.

Methods in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type CtMethod
 void CompileTimeClass.addMethod(CtMethod m)
          Adds a method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.copy(CtMethod src, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.copy(CtMethod src, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a method with a new name.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.delegator(CtMethod delegate, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a method forwarding to a delegate in a super class.
 void CodeConverter.insertAfterMethod(CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod afterMethod)
          Inserts a call to another method after an existing method call.
 void CodeConverter.insertBeforeMethod(CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod beforeMethod)
          Insert a call to another method before an existing method call.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, int howto, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter cparam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
 void CodeConverter.redirectMethodCall(CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod substMethod)
          Modify method invocations in a method body so that a different method is invoked.
 void CtMethod.setBody(CtMethod src, ClassMap map)
          Copies a method body from another method.
 void CtMethod.setWrappedBody(CtMethod mbody, CtMethod.ConstParameter constParam)
          Replace a method body with a new method body wrapping the given method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.wrapped(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameterTypes, CompileTimeClass[] exceptionTypes, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter constParam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a wrapped method.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type CtMethod
CtMethod(CtMethod src, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a CtMethod object.

Uses of CtMethod in classUtils.javassist.compiler

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler with parameters of type CtMethod
 void MemberCodeGen.setThisMethod(CtMethod m)
          Records the currently compiled method.

Uses of CtMethod in classUtils.javassist.convert

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.convert with parameters of type CtMethod
TransformAfter(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod afterMethod)
TransformBefore(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod beforeMethod)
TransformCall(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod substMethod)

Uses of CtMethod in classUtils.javassist.expr

Methods in classUtils.javassist.expr that return CtMethod
 CtMethod MethodCall.getMethod()
          Returns the called method.