Uses of Class

Packages that use CtField
classUtils.javassist.expr This package contains the classes for modifying a method body. 

Uses of CtField in classUtils.javassist

Methods in classUtils.javassist that return CtField
 CtField CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredField(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the field with the specified name among the fields declared in the class.
 CtField[] CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredFields()
          Gets all the fields declared in the class.
 CtField CompileTimeClass.getField(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the field with the specified name.
 CtField[] CompileTimeClass.getFields()
          Returns an array containing CtField objects representing all the public fields of the class.
static CtField CtField.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a field.

Methods in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type CtField
 void CompileTimeClass.addField(CtField f)
          Adds a field.
 void CompileTimeClass.addField(CtField f, CtField.Initializer init)
          Adds a field with an initial value.
 void CompileTimeClass.addField(CtField f, java.lang.String init)
          Adds a field with an initial value.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.getter(java.lang.String methodName, CtField field)
          Creates a public getter method.
 void CodeConverter.redirectFieldAccess(CtField field, CompileTimeClass newClass, java.lang.String newFieldname)
          Modify a method body so that field read/write expressions access a different field from the original one.
 void CodeConverter.replaceFieldRead(CtField field, CompileTimeClass calledClass, java.lang.String calledMethod)
          Modify a method body so that an expression reading the specified field is replaced with a call to the specified static method.
 void CodeConverter.replaceFieldWrite(CtField field, CompileTimeClass calledClass, java.lang.String calledMethod)
          Modify a method body so that an expression writing the specified field is replaced with a call to the specified static method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.setter(java.lang.String methodName, CtField field)
          Creates a public setter method.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type CtField
CtField(CtField src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a copy of the given field.

Uses of CtField in classUtils.javassist.compiler

Subclasses of CtField in classUtils.javassist.compiler
static class Javac.CtFieldWithInit

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler that return CtField
 CtField MemberCodeGen.lookupField(ASTList className, Symbol fieldName)
 CtField MemberCodeGen.lookupField(java.lang.String className, Symbol fieldName)

Uses of CtField in classUtils.javassist.convert

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.convert with parameters of type CtField
TransformFieldAccess(Transformer next, CtField field, java.lang.String newClassname, java.lang.String newFieldname)
TransformReadField(Transformer next, CtField field, java.lang.String methodClassname, java.lang.String methodName)
TransformWriteField(Transformer next, CtField field, java.lang.String methodClassname, java.lang.String methodName)

Uses of CtField in classUtils.javassist.expr

Methods in classUtils.javassist.expr that return CtField
 CtField FieldAccess.getField()
          Returns the field accessed by this expression.