Uses of Class

Packages that use CompileTimeClass
classUtils.javassist.bytecode Bytecode-level API. 
classUtils.javassist.expr This package contains the classes for modifying a method body. 
classUtils.javassist.preproc A sample preprocessor. 
classUtils.javassist.reflect Runtime Reflection. 

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist

Subclasses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist
 class CompileTimePrimitiveType
          An instance of CtPrimitiveType represents a primitive type.

Fields in classUtils.javassist declared as CompileTimeClass
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.booleanType
          The CtClass object representing the boolean type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.byteType
          The CtClass object representing the byte type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.charType
          The CtClass object representing the char type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.doubleType
          The CtClass object representing the double type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.floatType
          The CtClass object representing the float type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.intType
          The CtClass object representing the int type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.longType
          The CtClass object representing the long type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.shortType
          The CtClass object representing the short type.
static CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.voidType
          The CtClass object representing the void type.

Methods in classUtils.javassist that return CompileTimeClass
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.get(java.lang.String classname)
          Reads a class file from the source and returns a reference to the CtClass object representing that class file.
 CompileTimeClass[] ClassPool.get(java.lang.String[] classnames)
          Reads class files from the source and returns an array of CtClass objects representing those class files.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.getAndRename(java.lang.String orgName, java.lang.String newName)
          Reads a class file and constructs a CtClass object with a new name.
 CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.getComponentType()
          If this object represents an array, this method returns the component type of the array.
 CompileTimeClass CtField.getDeclaringClass()
          Returns the class declaring the field.
 CompileTimeClass CtMember.getDeclaringClass()
          Returns the class that declares this member.
 CompileTimeClass CtConstructor.getDeclaringClass()
          Returns the class that declares this constructor.
 CompileTimeClass CtMethod.getDeclaringClass()
          Returns the class that declares this method.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtBehavior.getExceptionTypes()
          Obtains exceptions that this member may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtConstructor.getExceptionTypes()
          Obtains exceptions that this constructor may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtMethod.getExceptionTypes()
          Obtains exceptions that this method may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] CompileTimeClass.getInterfaces()
          Obtains the class objects representing the interfaces of the class.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtBehavior.getParameterTypes()
          Obtains parameter types of this member.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtConstructor.getParameterTypes()
          Obtains parameter types of this constructor.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtMethod.getParameterTypes()
          Obtains parameter types of this method.
 CompileTimeClass CtMethod.getReturnType()
          Obtains the type of the returned value.
 CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.getSuperclass()
          Obtains the class object representing the superclass of the class.
 CompileTimeClass CtField.getType()
          Returns the type of the field.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeClass( classfile)
          Creates a new class from the given class file.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeClass(java.lang.String classname)
          Creates a new public class.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeClass(java.lang.String classname, CompileTimeClass superclass)
          Creates a new public class.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeInterface(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new public interface.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeInterface(java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass superclass)
          Creates a new public interface.

Methods in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.abstractMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.abstractMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.abstractMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
 void CtBehavior.addCatch(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass exceptionType)
          Adds a catch clause that handles an exception thrown in the body.
 void CtConstructor.addCatch(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass exceptionType)
          Adds a catch clause that handles an exception thrown in the constructor body.
 void CtMethod.addCatch(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass exceptionType)
          Adds a catch clause that handles an exception thrown in the method body.
 void CtBehavior.addCatch(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass exceptionType, java.lang.String exceptionName)
          Adds a catch clause that handles an exception thrown in the body.
 void CompileTimeClass.addInterface(CompileTimeClass anInterface)
          Adds an interface.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byCall(CompileTimeClass methodClass, java.lang.String methodName)
          Makes an initializer calling a static method.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byCall(CompileTimeClass methodClass, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] stringParams)
          Makes an initializer calling a static method.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byCallWithParams(CompileTimeClass methodClass, java.lang.String methodName)
          Makes an initializer calling a static method.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byCallWithParams(CompileTimeClass methodClass, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] stringParams)
          Makes an initializer calling a static method.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNew(CompileTimeClass objectType)
          Makes an initializer creating a new object.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNew(CompileTimeClass objectType, java.lang.String[] stringParams)
          Makes an initializer creating a new object.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNewArray(CompileTimeClass type, int size)
          Makes an initializer creating a new array.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNewArray(CompileTimeClass type, int[] sizes)
          Makes an initializer creating a new multi-dimensional array.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNewWithParams(CompileTimeClass objectType)
          Makes an initializer creating a new object.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNewWithParams(CompileTimeClass objectType, java.lang.String[] stringParams)
          Makes an initializer creating a new object.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.copy(CtConstructor c, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creats a copy of a constructor.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.copy(CtMethod src, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.copy(CtMethod src, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a method with a new name.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor(CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a default (public) constructor.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.delegator(CtMethod delegate, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a method forwarding to a delegate in a super class.
 void ClassMap.fix(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Prevents a mapping from the specified class name to another name.
 CtConstructor CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredConstructor(CompileTimeClass[] params)
          Returns a constructor receiving the specified parameters.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass[] params)
          Retrieves the method with the specified name and parameter types among the methods declared in the class.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor that only calls a constructor in the super class.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor that only calls a constructor in the super class.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor that only calls a constructor in the super class.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, int howto, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter cparam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, int howto, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter cparam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, int howto, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter cparam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, java.lang.String body, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a method.
static CtField CtField.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a field.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a constructor.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.make(java.lang.String src, CompileTimeClass declaring, java.lang.String delegateObj, java.lang.String delegateMethod)
          Compiles the given source code and creates a method.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeClass(java.lang.String classname, CompileTimeClass superclass)
          Creates a new public class.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.makeInterface(java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass superclass)
          Creates a new public interface.
 void ClassMap.put(CompileTimeClass oldname, CompileTimeClass newname)
          Maps a class name to another name in this hashtable.
 void CodeConverter.redirectFieldAccess(CtField field, CompileTimeClass newClass, java.lang.String newFieldname)
          Modify a method body so that field read/write expressions access a different field from the original one.
 void CodeConverter.replaceFieldRead(CtField field, CompileTimeClass calledClass, java.lang.String calledMethod)
          Modify a method body so that an expression reading the specified field is replaced with a call to the specified static method.
 void CodeConverter.replaceFieldWrite(CtField field, CompileTimeClass calledClass, java.lang.String calledMethod)
          Modify a method body so that an expression writing the specified field is replaced with a call to the specified static method.
 void CodeConverter.replaceNew(CompileTimeClass newClass, CompileTimeClass calledClass, java.lang.String calledMethod)
          Modify a method body so that instantiation of the specified class is replaced with a call to the specified static method.
 void CtBehavior.setExceptionTypes(CompileTimeClass[] types)
          Sets exceptions that this member may throw.
 void CtConstructor.setExceptionTypes(CompileTimeClass[] types)
          Sets exceptions that this constructor may throw.
 void CtMethod.setExceptionTypes(CompileTimeClass[] types)
          Sets exceptions that this method may throw.
 void CompileTimeClass.setInterfaces(CompileTimeClass[] list)
          Sets interfaces.
static void SerialVersionUID.setSerialVersionUID(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Adds serialVersionUID if one does not already exist.
 void CompileTimeClass.setSuperclass(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Changes a super class.
 void CtField.setType(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Sets the type of the field.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.skeleton(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor that only calls a constructor in the super class.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.skeleton(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor that only calls a constructor in the super class.
static CtConstructor CtNewConstructor.skeleton(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public constructor that only calls a constructor in the super class.
 boolean CompileTimeClass.subclassOf(CompileTimeClass superclass)
          Determines whether the class directly or indirectly extends the given class.
 boolean CompileTimeClass.subtypeOf(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Returns true if this class extends or implements clazz.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.wrapped(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameterTypes, CompileTimeClass[] exceptionTypes, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter constParam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a wrapped method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.wrapped(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameterTypes, CompileTimeClass[] exceptionTypes, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter constParam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a wrapped method.
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.wrapped(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameterTypes, CompileTimeClass[] exceptionTypes, CtMethod body, CtMethod.ConstParameter constParam, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a wrapped method.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
CtConstructor(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a constructor with no constructor body.
CtConstructor(CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a constructor with no constructor body.
CtConstructor(CtConstructor src, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a CtConstructor object.
CtField(CompileTimeClass type, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a CtField object.
CtField(CtField src, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a copy of the given field.
CtMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
CtMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
CtMethod(CtMethod src, CompileTimeClass declaring, ClassMap map)
          Creates a copy of a CtMethod object.

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.bytecode

Fields in classUtils.javassist.bytecode declared as CompileTimeClass
static CompileTimeClass ConstPool.THIS
          Represents the class using this constant pool table.
static CompileTimeClass Bytecode.THIS
          Represents the CtClass file using the constant pool table given to this Bytecode object.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode that return CompileTimeClass
static CompileTimeClass[] Descriptor.getParameterTypes(java.lang.String desc, ClassPool cp)
          Returns the CtClass objects representing the parameter types specified by the given descriptor.
static CompileTimeClass Descriptor.getReturnType(java.lang.String desc, ClassPool cp)
          Returns the CtClass object representing the return type specified by the given descriptor.
static CompileTimeClass Descriptor.toCtClass(java.lang.String desc, ClassPool cp)
          Returns a CtClass object representing the type specified by the given descriptor.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
 void Bytecode.addAnewarray(CompileTimeClass clazz, int length)
          Appends ICONST and ANEWARRAY.
 void Bytecode.addCheckcast(CompileTimeClass c)
          Appends CHECKCAST.
 int ConstPool.addClassInfo(CompileTimeClass c)
          Adds a new CONSTANT_Class_info structure.
 void Bytecode.addExceptionHandler(int start, int end, int handler, CompileTimeClass type)
          Adds a new entry of exception_table.
 void Bytecode.addGetfield(CompileTimeClass c, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
          Appends GETFIELD.
 void Bytecode.addGetstatic(CompileTimeClass c, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
          Appends GETSTATIC.
 void Bytecode.addInvokeinterface(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes, int count)
          Appends INVOKEINTERFACE.
 void Bytecode.addInvokeinterface(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes, int count)
          Appends INVOKEINTERFACE.
 void Bytecode.addInvokeinterface(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, int count)
          Appends INVOKEINTERFACE.
 void Bytecode.addInvokespecial(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Appends INVOKESPECIAL.
 void Bytecode.addInvokespecial(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Appends INVOKESPECIAL.
 void Bytecode.addInvokespecial(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Appends INVOKESPECIAL.
 void Bytecode.addInvokestatic(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Appends INVOKESTATIC.
 void Bytecode.addInvokestatic(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Appends INVOKESTATIC.
 void Bytecode.addInvokestatic(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Appends INVOKESTATIC.
 void Bytecode.addInvokevirtual(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Appends INVOKEVIRTUAL.
 void Bytecode.addInvokevirtual(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Appends INVOKEVIRTUAL.
 void Bytecode.addInvokevirtual(CompileTimeClass clazz, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Appends INVOKEVIRTUAL.
 int Bytecode.addLoad(int n, CompileTimeClass type)
          Appends an instruction for loading a value from the local variable affineTransform the index n.
 int Bytecode.addLoadParameters(CompileTimeClass[] params, int offset)
          Appends instructions for loading all the parameters onto the operand stack.
 int Bytecode.addMultiNewarray(CompileTimeClass clazz, int dim)
          Appends MULTINEWARRAY.
 int Bytecode.addMultiNewarray(CompileTimeClass clazz, int[] dimensions)
          Appends MULTINEWARRAY.
 void Bytecode.addNew(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Appends NEW.
 void Bytecode.addPutfield(CompileTimeClass c, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Appends PUTFIELD.
 void Bytecode.addPutstatic(CompileTimeClass c, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Appends PUTSTATIC.
 void Bytecode.addReturn(CompileTimeClass type)
          Appends ARETURN, IRETURN, .., or RETURN.
 int Bytecode.addStore(int n, CompileTimeClass type)
          Appends an instruction for storing a value into the local variable affineTransform the index n.
static java.lang.String Descriptor.of(CompileTimeClass type)
          Returns the descriptor representing the given type.
static java.lang.String Descriptor.ofConstructor(CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Returns the descriptor representing a constructor receiving the given parameter types.
static java.lang.String Descriptor.ofMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Returns the descriptor representing a method that receives the given parameter types and returns the given type.
static java.lang.String Descriptor.ofMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Returns the descriptor representing a method that receives the given parameter types and returns the given type.
static java.lang.String Descriptor.ofParameters(CompileTimeClass[] paramTypes)
          Returns the descriptor representing a list of parameter types.
 void Bytecode.setMaxLocals(boolean isStatic, CompileTimeClass[] params, int locals)
          Sets max_locals.
static java.lang.String Descriptor.toJvmName(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Returns the internal representation of the class name in the JVM.

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.compiler

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler that return CompileTimeClass
 CompileTimeClass MemberCodeGen.getThisClass()
 CompileTimeClass[] MemberCodeGen.makeParamList(MethodDecl md)
 CompileTimeClass[] MemberCodeGen.makeThrowsList(MethodDecl md)

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
 void MemberCodeGen.atMethodCall2(CompileTimeClass targetClass, java.lang.String mname, ASTList args, boolean isStatic, boolean isSpecial)
static int JvstCodeGen.compileParameterList(Bytecode code, CompileTimeClass[] params, int regno)
 void JvstCodeGen.doNumCast(CompileTimeClass type)
 void Javac.recordParams(CompileTimeClass[] params, boolean isStatic)
          Makes variables $0 (this), $1, $2, ..., and $args represent method parameters.
 void JvstCodeGen.recordParams(CompileTimeClass[] params, boolean isStatic, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String paramVarName, java.lang.String paramsName, boolean use0, int paramBase, java.lang.String target, SymbolTable tbl)
          Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, and $$ available.
 void JvstCodeGen.recordParams(CompileTimeClass[] params, boolean isStatic, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String paramVarName, java.lang.String paramsName, SymbolTable tbl)
          Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, and $$ available.
 void Javac.recordParams(java.lang.String target, CompileTimeClass[] params, boolean use0, int varNo, boolean isStatic)
          Makes variables $0, $1, $2, ..., and $args represent method parameters.
 int Javac.recordReturnType(CompileTimeClass type, boolean useResultVar)
          Prepares to use cast $r, $w, $_, and $type.
 int JvstCodeGen.recordReturnType(CompileTimeClass type, java.lang.String castName, java.lang.String resultName, SymbolTable tbl)
          Makes a cast to the return type ($r) available.
 void Javac.recordType(CompileTimeClass t)
          Prepares to use $type.
 void JvstCodeGen.recordType(CompileTimeClass t)
          Makes $type available.
 int Javac.recordVariable(CompileTimeClass type, java.lang.String name)
          Makes the given variable available.
 int JvstCodeGen.recordVariable(CompileTimeClass type, java.lang.String varName, SymbolTable tbl)
          Makes the given variable name available.
 void JvstCodeGen.setType(CompileTimeClass type)

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.compiler with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
Javac(Bytecode b, CompileTimeClass thisClass)
          Constructs a compiler.
Javac(CompileTimeClass thisClass)
          Constructs a compiler.
JvstCodeGen(Bytecode b, CompileTimeClass cc, ClassPool cp)
MemberCodeGen(Bytecode b, CompileTimeClass cc, ClassPool cp)

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.convert

Methods in classUtils.javassist.convert with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
 int TransformNew.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
          Replace a sequence of NEW classname DUP ...
 int TransformCall.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
          Modify INVOKEINTERFACE, INVOKESPECIAL, INVOKESTATIC and INVOKEVIRTUAL so that a different method is invoked.
abstract  int Transformer.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator it, ConstPool cp)
 int TransformReadField.transform(CompileTimeClass tclazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
 int TransformWriteField.transform(CompileTimeClass tclazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
 int TransformFieldAccess.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
          Modify GETFIELD, GETSTATIC, PUTFIELD, and PUTSTATIC so that a different field is accessed.

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.expr

Methods in classUtils.javassist.expr that return CompileTimeClass
 CompileTimeClass Instanceof.getType()
          Returns the CtClass object representing the type name on the right hand side of the instanceof operator.
 CompileTimeClass Handler.getType()
          Returns the type handled by the catch clause.
 CompileTimeClass Cast.getType()
          Returns the CtClass object representing the type specified by the cast.
 CompileTimeClass[] Instanceof.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] Expr.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] MethodCall.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] NewExpr.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] Handler.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the catch clause may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] FieldAccess.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] Cast.mayThrow()
          Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.expr with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
 boolean ExprEditor.doit(CompileTimeClass clazz, MethodInfo minfo)
          Undocumented method.

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.preproc

Methods in classUtils.javassist.preproc that return CompileTimeClass
 CompileTimeClass[] Assistant.assist(ClassPool cp, java.lang.String importname, java.lang.String[] args)
          Is called when the Javassist preprocessor encounters an import declaration annotated with the "by" keyword.

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.reflect

Methods in classUtils.javassist.reflect with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
 boolean Reflection.makeReflective(CompileTimeClass clazz, CompileTimeClass metaobject, CompileTimeClass metaclass)
          Produces a reflective class.

Uses of CompileTimeClass in classUtils.javassist.sample.vector

Methods in classUtils.javassist.sample.vector that return CompileTimeClass
 CompileTimeClass[] VectorAssistant.assist(ClassPool pool, java.lang.String vec, java.lang.String[] args)
          Calls makeSubclass() and produces a new vector class.
 CompileTimeClass VectorAssistant.makeSubclass(ClassPool pool, CompileTimeClass type)
          Produces a new vector class.
 CompileTimeClass VectorAssistant.makeSubclass2(ClassPool pool, CompileTimeClass type)
          Produces a new vector class.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.sample.vector with parameters of type CompileTimeClass
 CompileTimeClass VectorAssistant.makeSubclass(ClassPool pool, CompileTimeClass type)
          Produces a new vector class.
 CompileTimeClass VectorAssistant.makeSubclass2(ClassPool pool, CompileTimeClass type)
          Produces a new vector class.