Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodInfo
classUtils.javassist.bytecode Bytecode-level API. 
classUtils.javassist.expr This package contains the classes for modifying a method body. 

Uses of MethodInfo in classUtils.javassist

Methods in classUtils.javassist that return MethodInfo
 MethodInfo CtBehavior.getMethodInfo()
          Returns the MethodInfo representing this member in the class file.
 MethodInfo CtConstructor.getMethodInfo()
          Returns the MethodInfo representing the constructor in the class file.
 MethodInfo CtMethod.getMethodInfo()
          Returns the MethodInfo representing the method in the class file.
 MethodInfo CtBehavior.getMethodInfo2()
          Undocumented method.

Uses of MethodInfo in classUtils.javassist.bytecode

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode that return MethodInfo
 MethodInfo JAClassFile.getMethod(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the method with the specified name.
 MethodInfo JAClassFile.getStaticInitializer()
          Returns a static initializer (class initializer), or null if it does not exist.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type MethodInfo
 void JAClassFile.addMethod(MethodInfo minfo)
          Appends a method to the class.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type MethodInfo
MethodInfo(ConstPool cp, java.lang.String methodname, MethodInfo src, java.util.Map classnameMap)
          Constructs a copy of method_info structure.

Uses of MethodInfo in classUtils.javassist.expr

Methods in classUtils.javassist.expr with parameters of type MethodInfo
 boolean ExprEditor.doit(CompileTimeClass clazz, MethodInfo minfo)
          Undocumented method.