Uses of Class

Packages that use ExceptionTable
classUtils.javassist.bytecode Bytecode-level API. 

Uses of ExceptionTable in classUtils.javassist.bytecode

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode that return ExceptionTable
 ExceptionTable ExceptionTable.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy of this exception_table[].
 ExceptionTable Bytecode.getExceptionTable()
          Returns exception_table.
 ExceptionTable CodeAttribute.getExceptionTable()
          Returns exception_table[].

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type ExceptionTable
 void ExceptionTable.add(int index, ExceptionTable table, int offset)
          Copies the given exception table affineTransform the specified position in the table.
 void CodeIterator.append(ExceptionTable et, int offset)
          Copies and appends the entries in the given exception table affineTransform the end of the exception table in the code attribute edited by this object.
 void CodeIterator.insert(ExceptionTable et, int offset)
          Copies and inserts the entries in the given exception table affineTransform the beginning of the exception table in the code attribute edited by this object.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type ExceptionTable
CodeAttribute(ConstPool cp, int stack, int locals, byte[] code, ExceptionTable etable)
          Constructs a Code_attribute.