// @(#)vsFFT.java
// Perform a non recursive in place FFT.
// @version 1.0, 1 JULY 1997
// @author  D. Lyon, V. Silva
package transforms;

import math.Mat;
import ip.vs.ColorUtils;
import ip.vs.ImageUtils;
import utils.Timer;

public class FFT {
  private final int FORWARD_FFT = -1;
  private final int REVERSE_FFT = 1;
  private float direction = (float) FORWARD_FFT;

  static final float twoPI = (float) (2 * Math.PI);
  private int N;
  private int numBits;
  private int width, height;
  private float minPSD = 9999999;
  private float maxPSD = -9999999;

  ColorUtils CU = new ColorUtils();
  ImageUtils iUtils = new ImageUtils();
  public boolean DisplayLogPSD = false;

  // These arrays hold the complex image data.
  public float cR_r[][]; // Red real
  public float cG_r[][]; // Green real
  public float cB_r[][]; // Blue real
  public float cR_i[][]; // Red imaginary
  public float cG_i[][]; // Green imaginary
  public float cB_i[][]; // Blue imaginary

  // These arrays hold the complex 1D FFT data.
  // These will hold either the full 1D FFT data, or the
  // data from performing an FFT on one image row.
  float r_data[] = null;
  float i_data[] = null;

  public void printStats() {
    Mat.printStats("cR_r", cR_r);
    Mat.printStats("cG_r", cG_r);
    Mat.printStats("cB_r", cB_r);
    Mat.printStats("cR_i", cR_i);
    Mat.printStats("cG_i", cG_i);
    Mat.printStats("cB_i", cB_i);


  public void normalize() {
    float sf = 1.0f / (cR_r.length * cR_r[0].length);
    Mat.scale(cR_r, sf);
    Mat.scale(cG_r, sf);
    Mat.scale(cB_r, sf);
    Mat.scale(cR_i, sf);
    Mat.scale(cG_i, sf);
    Mat.scale(cB_i, sf);

  public void complexMult(FFT fft) {
    for (int x = 0; x < cR_r.length; x++)
      for (int y = 0; y < cR_r[0].length; y++) {
        cR_r[x][y] = cR_r[x][y] * fft.cR_r[x][y];
        cG_r[x][y] = cG_r[x][y] * fft.cG_r[x][y];
        cB_r[x][y] = cB_r[x][y] * fft.cB_r[x][y];

        cR_i[x][y] = cR_i[x][y] * fft.cR_i[x][y];
        cG_i[x][y] = cG_i[x][y] * fft.cG_i[x][y];
        cB_i[x][y] = cB_i[x][y] * fft.cB_i[x][y];


  private void init() {
    minPSD = 9999999;
    maxPSD = -9999999;

  public int[] getPsd() {
    // Take PSD on complex RGB values.
    // Magnitude of result.
    float[] magnitudeR = magnitudeSpectrum(cR_r, cR_i);
    float[] magnitudeG = magnitudeSpectrum(cG_r, cG_i);
    float[] magnitudeB = magnitudeSpectrum(cB_r, cB_i);

    double scaleFactor = 100; //255.0/Math.log(256);

    System.out.println("Max psd = " + maxPSD);

    scaleFactor = 255.0 / (Math.log(1 + maxPSD));
    //System.out.println("Scalefactor = "+scaleFactor);

    // Adjust 2-D FFT data so that the minimum PSD is
    // based at a value close to a black pixel.

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      magnitudeR[i] = (float)
          (scaleFactor * Math.log(1 + magnitudeR[i]));
      magnitudeG[i] = (float)
          (scaleFactor * Math.log(1 + magnitudeG[i]));
      magnitudeB[i] = (float)
          (scaleFactor * Math.log(1 + magnitudeB[i]));

    //System.out.println("Minimum PSD value: " + minPSD);

    // Convert to single ARGB int array and return.
    return (CU.imagetoInt(magnitudeR, magnitudeG, magnitudeB));

  public int[] getPhaseImage() {
    // Take PSD on complex RGB values.
    // Magnitude of result.
    float[] magnitudeR = getPhaseImage(cR_r, cR_i);
    float[] magnitudeG = getPhaseImage(cG_r, cG_i);
    float[] magnitudeB = getPhaseImage(cB_r, cB_i);

    double scaleFactor = 100; //255.0/Math.log(256);

    System.out.println("Max psd = " + maxPSD);

    //scaleFactor = 255.0/(Math.log(1+maxPSD));
    scaleFactor = 255;
    System.out.println("Scalefactor = " + scaleFactor);

    // Adjust 2-D FFT data so that the minimum PSD is
    // based at a value close to a black pixel.

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      magnitudeR[i] = (float)
          (scaleFactor * Math.log(1 + magnitudeR[i]));
      magnitudeG[i] = (float)
          (scaleFactor * Math.log(1 + magnitudeG[i]));
      magnitudeB[i] = (float)
          (scaleFactor * Math.log(1 + magnitudeB[i]));

    System.out.println("Minimum PSD value: " + minPSD);

    // Convert to single ARGB int array and return.
    return (CU.imagetoInt(magnitudeR, magnitudeG, magnitudeB));

  public int[] forward2dFFT(float[] imageData_R, float[] imageData_G,
                            float[] imageData_B, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) {

    // save image size to locals.
    width = imageWidth;
    height = imageHeight;

    // We know the size of the image now, allocate
    // the required arrays to hold the complex image data.
    cR_r = new float[height][width];
    cR_i = new float[height][width];
    cG_r = new float[height][width];
    cG_i = new float[height][width];
    cB_r = new float[height][width];
    cB_i = new float[height][width];

    // Total number of pixels.
    N = width * height;

    // Number of bits in one direction, i.e. 256x256 image m = 8
    // assuming image is square, which has already been checked.
    numBits = log2(width);

    // This section performs a the first forward FFT on RGB values.
    //vsTimer t1 = new vsTimer();

    // FFT on RGB values 1st set.
    // NOTE!! cX_r and cX_i are modified, they are used to hold
    // the returned FFT complex data.
    // RED
    copyFloatToComplex(cR_r, cR_i, imageData_R);
    copyFloatToComplex(cG_r, cG_i, imageData_G);
    copyFloatToComplex(cB_r, cB_i, imageData_B);
    // Do FFT by row.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      // Red
      forwardFFT(cR_r[i], cR_i[i]);
      // Green
      forwardFFT(cG_r[i], cG_i[i]);
      // Blue
      forwardFFT(cB_r[i], cB_i[i]);

    //System.out.println("Triple FFT on rows:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // This section rotates complex RGB arrays CW 90 degrees.
    // Rotate array 90 degrees, returns a reference to a
    // a new array, array that is passed in is lost.
    cR_r = Rotate90(cR_r);
    cR_i = Rotate90(cR_i);
    cG_r = Rotate90(cG_r);
    cG_i = Rotate90(cG_i);
    cB_r = Rotate90(cB_r);
    cB_i = Rotate90(cB_i);

    //System.out.println("Rotate 90 degrees CW:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // This section performs a the second forward FFT on RGB values.

    // FFT on complex data from 1st FFT.
    // NOTE!! cX_r and cX_i that are passed in are destroyed.
    // They are used to hold the returned FFT complex data.
    // Do FFT by row.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      // Red
      forwardFFT(cR_r[i], cR_i[i]);
      // Green
      forwardFFT(cG_r[i], cG_i[i]);
      // Blue
      forwardFFT(cB_r[i], cB_i[i]);

    ///System.out.println("Triple FFT on columns:");
    // Stop the timer and report.
    return getPsd();


  public int[] forward2dFFT(short[] imageData_R, short[] imageData_G,
                            short[] imageData_B, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) {

    // save image size to locals.
    width = imageWidth;
    height = imageHeight;

    // We know the size of the image now, allocate
    // the required arrays to hold the complex image data.
    cR_r = new float[height][width];
    cR_i = new float[height][width];
    cG_r = new float[height][width];
    cG_i = new float[height][width];
    cB_r = new float[height][width];
    cB_i = new float[height][width];

    // Total number of pixels.
    N = width * height;

    // Number of bits in one direction, i.e. 256x256 image m = 8
    // assuming image is square, which has already been checked.
    numBits = log2(width);

    // This section performs a the first forward FFT on RGB values.
    //vsTimer t1 = new vsTimer();

    // FFT on RGB values 1st set.
    // NOTE!! cX_r and cX_i are modified, they are used to hold
    // the returned FFT complex data.
    // RED
    copyShortToComplex(cR_r, cR_i, imageData_R);
    copyShortToComplex(cG_r, cG_i, imageData_G);
    copyShortToComplex(cB_r, cB_i, imageData_B);

    // Do FFT by row.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      // Red
      forwardFFT(cR_r[i], cR_i[i]);
      // Green
      forwardFFT(cG_r[i], cG_i[i]);
      // Blue
      forwardFFT(cB_r[i], cB_i[i]);

    //System.out.println("Triple FFT on rows:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // This section rotates complex RGB arrays CW 90 degrees.
    // Rotate array 90 degrees, returns a reference to a
    // a new array, array that is passed in is lost.
    cR_r = Rotate90(cR_r);
    cR_i = Rotate90(cR_i);
    cG_r = Rotate90(cG_r);
    cG_i = Rotate90(cG_i);
    cB_r = Rotate90(cB_r);
    cB_i = Rotate90(cB_i);

    //System.out.println("Rotate 90 degrees CW:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // This section performs a the second forward FFT on RGB values.

    // FFT on complex data from 1st FFT.
    // NOTE!! cX_r and cX_i that are passed in are destroyed.
    // They are used to hold the returned FFT complex data.
    // Do FFT by row.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      // Red
      forwardFFT(cR_r[i], cR_i[i]);
      // Green
      forwardFFT(cG_r[i], cG_i[i]);
      // Blue
      forwardFFT(cB_r[i], cB_i[i]);

    //System.out.println("Triple FFT on columns:");
    // Stop the timer and report.
    return getPsd();

  int log2(double n) {
    return (int) (Math.log(n) / Math.log(2));

  public int[] reverse2dFFT() {

    // Total number of pixels.
    N = width * height;

    // Number of bits in one direction, i.e. 256x256 image m = 8
    // assuming image is square, which has already been checked.
    numBits = log2(width);

    // This section performs the first reverse FFT on
    // the complex RGB values obtained from a forward FFT
    // on an image.
    //vsTimer t1 = new vsTimer();

    // Do IFFT by row.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      // Red
      reverseFFT(cR_r[i], cR_i[i]);
      // Green
      reverseFFT(cG_r[i], cG_i[i]);
      // Blue
      reverseFFT(cB_r[i], cB_i[i]);

    //System.out.println("Triple IFFT on rows:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // This section performs a rotate CW 90 degrees to
    // prepare the complex data for the second reverse FFT.
    // Rotate array 90 degrees, returns a reference to a
    // a new array, array that is passed in is lost.
    cR_r = Rotate90(cR_r);
    cR_i = Rotate90(cR_i);
    cG_r = Rotate90(cG_r);
    cG_i = Rotate90(cG_i);
    cB_r = Rotate90(cB_r);
    cB_i = Rotate90(cB_i);

    //System.out.println("Rotate 90 degrees CW:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // This section performs the second reverse FFT on
    // the complex RGB values obtained from a forward FFT
    // on an image.

    // IFFT on complex data from 1st IFFT.
    // NOTE!! cX_r and cX_i that are passed in are destroyed.
    // They are used to hold the returned FFT complex data.
    // Do FFT by row.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      // Red
      reverseFFT(cR_r[i], cR_i[i]);
      // Green
      reverseFFT(cG_r[i], cG_i[i]);
      // Blue
      reverseFFT(cB_r[i], cB_i[i]);

    //System.out.println("Triple IFFT on columns:");
    // Stop the timer and report.

    // We now rotate the image 180 degrees otherwise it would be
    // upside down.  This is a due to the process we used to
    // apply the FFT to columns (i.e. we rotated 90 degrees twice).

    // Take PSD - power spectral density giving us original
    // RGB values back.
    float[] realR = magnitudeSpectrum(cR_r, cR_i);
    float[] realG = magnitudeSpectrum(cG_r, cG_i);
    float[] realB = magnitudeSpectrum(cB_r, cB_i);

    // Convert to single ARGB int array and return.
    return (CU.imagetoInt(realR, realG, realB));

   * A way to visually test the 1D FFT on a small amount of data.
  public void TestFFT() {
    System.out.println("Testing FFT engine in 2D class...");

    numBits = 3;
    N = 8;

    float[] in_r = new float[N];
    float[] in_i = new float[N];

    float[] holder_r = new float[N];
    float[] holder_i = new float[N];

    // Create a test ramp signal.
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      in_r[i] = (float) i / N;
      in_i[i] = (float) 0;

    forwardFFT(in_r, in_i);

    // Copy to new array because IFFT will destroy the FFT results.
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      holder_r[i] = in_r[i];
      holder_i[i] = in_i[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      in_r[i] = in_r[i];
      in_i[i] = in_i[i];

    reverseFFT(in_r, in_i);
    float[] mag = magnitudeSpectrum(in_r, in_i);

    System.out.println("i    x1[i]    re[i]             im[i]           tv[i]");
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      System.out.println(i + "\t" + i + "\t" + holder_r[i] + "\t\t" +
                         holder_i[i] + "\t\t" + mag[i]);

    // Time a 256K FFT
    in_r = new float[262144];
    in_i = new float[262144];

    // Create a test ramp signal.
    N = 262144;
    numBits = 18;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      in_r[i] = (float) i / N;
      in_i[i] = (float) 0;

    Timer t1 = new Timer();

    forwardFFT(in_r, in_i);

    System.out.println("256K point 1D FFT (using float):");
    // Stop the timer and report.


   * 1D FFT utility functions.
  public void swap(int i) {
    float tempr;
    int j = bitr(i);
    String js = Integer.toBinaryString(j);
    String is = Integer.toBinaryString(i);

    // System.out.println("swap "+is+","+js);
    // System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(i)+"bitr="+Integer.toBinaryString(bitr(i)));
    tempr = r_data[j];
    r_data[j] = r_data[i];
    r_data[i] = tempr;
    tempr = i_data[j];
    i_data[j] = i_data[i];
    i_data[i] = tempr;

  // swap Zi with Zj
  public void swapInt(int i, int j) {
    float tempr;
    int ti;
    int tj;
    ti = i - 1;
    tj = j - 1;
    // System.out.print("swapInt " + ti+","+tj+"\t");
    // System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(ti)+","+Integer.toBinaryString(tj));
    // System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(ti)+"bitr="+Integer.toBinaryString(bitr(ti)));
    tempr = r_data[tj];
    r_data[tj] = r_data[ti];
    r_data[ti] = tempr;
    tempr = i_data[tj];
    i_data[tj] = i_data[ti];
    i_data[ti] = tempr;

  double getMaxValue(double in[]) {
    double max;
    max = -0.99e30;

    for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++)
      if (in[i] > max)
        max = in[i];
    return max;


  void bitReverse2() {
    /* bit reversal */
    int n = r_data.length;
    int j = 1;
    int k;

    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
      if (i < j) {
        swapInt(i, j);
      } //if

      k = n / 2;
      while (k >= 1 && k < j) {
        j = j - k;
        k = k / 2;
      j = j + k;

    } // for

  void bitReverse() {
    /* bit reversal */
    int n = r_data.length;
    int j = 1;
    int k;

    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
      if (i < j) {
        // this does not work...
        // why?
      } //if
      j = bitr(i);

    } // for

  int bitr(int j) {
    int ans = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
      ans = (ans << 1) + (j & 1);
      j = j >> 1;
    return ans;

  public void forwardFFT(float[] in_r, float[] in_i) {
    direction = FORWARD_FFT;
    fft(in_r, in_i);

  public void reverseFFT(float[] in_r, float[] in_i) {
    direction = REVERSE_FFT;
    fft(in_r, in_i);

   * FFT engine.
  public void fft(float in_r[], float in_i[]) {
    int id;
    // radix 2 number if sample, 1D of course.
    int localN;
    float wtemp, Wjk_r, Wjk_i, Wj_r, Wj_i;
    float theta, tempr, tempi;
    int ti, tj;

    // Truncate input data to a power of two
    int length = 1 << numBits; // length = 2**nu
    int n = length;

    // Copy passed references to variables to be used within
    // transforms.fft routines & utilities
    r_data = in_r;
    i_data = in_i;

    for (int m = 1; m <= numBits; m++) {
      // localN = 2^m;
      localN = 1 << m;
      Wjk_r = 1;
      Wjk_i = 0;

      theta = twoPI / localN;

      Wj_r = (float) Math.cos(theta);
      Wj_i = (float) (direction * Math.sin(theta));

      int nby2 = localN / 2;
      for (int j = 0; j < nby2; j++) {
        // This is the FFT innermost loop
        // Any optimizations that can be made here will yield
        // great rewards.
        for (int k = j; k < n; k += localN) {
          id = k + nby2;
          tempr = Wjk_r * r_data[id] - Wjk_i * i_data[id];
          tempi = Wjk_r * i_data[id] + Wjk_i * r_data[id];

          // Zid = Zi -C
          r_data[id] = r_data[k] - tempr;
          i_data[id] = i_data[k] - tempi;
          r_data[k] += tempr;
          i_data[k] += tempi;

        // (eq 6.23) and (eq 6.24)

        wtemp = Wjk_r;

        Wjk_r = Wj_r * Wjk_r - Wj_i * Wjk_i;
        Wjk_i = Wj_r * Wjk_i + Wj_i * wtemp;

  public float[][] getRedReal() {
    return (cR_r);

  public float[][] getRedImaginary() {
    return (cR_i);

  public float[][] getGreenReal() {
    return (cG_r);

  public float[][] getGreenImaginary() {
    return (cG_i);

  public float[][] getBlueReal() {
    return (cB_r);

  public float[][] getBlueImaginary() {
    return (cB_i);

  * The two arrays must be the same size.
  private void copy2dArray(float[][] dst, float[][] src) {
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        dst[i][j] = src[i][j];

  private void copyFloatToComplex(float[][] dst_r, float[][] dst_i,
                                  float[] imageData) {
    int k = 0;

    float alternateSign = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        // Calculate (-1)**(i+j)
        alternateSign = ((i + j) % 2 == 0) ? -1 : 1;

        // 1. Put short image array into a complex pair,
        // (-1)**(i+j) is to put the zero frequency in the
        // center of the image when it is displayed.
        // 2. We also take this opportunity to scale the input
        // by N (width * height).
        dst_r[i][j] = (float) (imageData[k++] * alternateSign / N);
        dst_i[i][j] = (float) 0.0;

  private void copyShortToComplex(float[][] dst_r, float[][] dst_i,
                                  short[] imageData) {
    int k = 0;

    float alternateSign = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        // Calculate (-1)**(i+j)
        alternateSign = ((i + j) % 2 == 0) ? -1 : 1;

        // 1. Put short image array into a complex pair,
        // (-1)**(i+j) is to put the zero frequency in the
        // center of the image when it is displayed.
        // 2. We also take this opportunity to scale the input
        // by N (width * height).
        dst_r[i][j] = (float) (imageData[k++] * alternateSign / N);
        dst_i[i][j] = (float) 0.0;

  private boolean isNotInRange(int x, int low, int high) {
    if (x < low) return true;
    if (x >= high) return true;
    return false;

  private float[][] Rotate90(float[][] in) {
    float[][] out = new float[height][width];

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        int x = height - j - 1;
        int y = i;
        if (isNotInRange(x, 0, in.length)) continue;
        if (isNotInRange(y, 0, in[0].length)) continue;
        out[i][j] = in[x][y];

    return (out);

  private void rotateInPlace180(float[][] in) {
    float temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        temp = in[i][j];
        in[i][j] = in[height - i - 1][width - j - 1];
        in[height - i - 1][width - j - 1] = temp;

  private float[] copyRealToFloat(float[][] in_r) {
    float[] f_data = new float[N];
    int k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        f_data[k++] = in_r[i][j];

    return (f_data);

  private float[] magnitudeSpectrum(float[][] in_r, float[][] in_i) {
    float[] mag = new float[N];
    int k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        mag[k] = (float) Math.sqrt(in_r[i][j] * in_r[i][j] +
                                   in_i[i][j] * in_i[i][j]);

        // Since we're iterating through the loop anyway, see what min is.
        if (minPSD > mag[k])
          minPSD = mag[k];
        if (maxPSD < mag[k])
          maxPSD = mag[k];


    return (mag);

  private float[] getPhaseImage(float[][] in_r, float[][] in_i) {
    float phase[] = new float[N];
    int k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        phase[k] = (float) (in_r[i][j] / in_i[i][j]);

        // Since we're iterating through the loop anyway, see what min is.
        if (minPSD > phase[k])
          minPSD = phase[k];
        if (maxPSD < phase[k])
          maxPSD = phase[k];


    return (phase);

  public float[] magnitudeSpectrum(float[] in_r, float[] in_i) {
    N = in_r.length;
    float[] mag = new float[N];

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      mag[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(in_r[i] * in_r[i] +
                                 in_i[i] * in_i[i]);

      // Since we're iterating through the loop anyway,
      // find what min is.
      if (minPSD > mag[i]) {
        minPSD = mag[i];

    return (mag);
