package gui.html;

public class HtmlSynthesizer {
  private String imageHome = "d:\\images\\";

  public void print(double x) {

  public void print(String s) {

  public String getHtml(String s) {
    return "<html>\n" + s + "\n</html>";

  public String getHomePage() {
    return "<a href=\"\">home</a>\n";

  public String getHomePage(int n) {
    String s = getHomePage();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      s = s + getHomePage();
    return s;

  public String getListItem(String s) {
    return "<li>\n" + s + "\n</li>";

  public String getBreak() {
    return "\n<br>\n ";

  public String getH1(String s) {
    return "<h1>\n" + s + "\n</h1>";

  public String getSubmit() {
        "<input type=submit"
        + " value=submit>\n";

  public String getOption(String s) {
    return "\t<option value=" + s + " >" + s + '\n';

  public String getSelect(String name, String options[]) {
    String s = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
      s = s + getOption(options[i]);
    return "<select name=" + name + ">" + s + "</select>";

  public String getSelect(String name) {
    String sn [] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};
    return getSelect(name, sn);

  public String getH2(String s) {
    return "<h2>\n" + s + "\n</h2>";

  public String getH3(String s) {
    return "<h3>\n" + s + "\n</h3>";

  public String getH4(String s) {
    return "<h4>\n" + s + "\n</h4>";

  public String getH5(String s) {
    return "<h5>\n" + s + "\n</h5>";

  public String getH6(String s) {
    return "<h6>\n" + s + "\n</h6>";

  public String getP(String s) {
    return "<p>\n" + s + "\n</p>";

  public String getBody(String s) {
    return "<body>\n" + s + "\n</body>";

  public String getHead(String s) {
    return "<Head>\n" + s + "\n</Head>\n";

  public String getTitle(String s) {
    return "<title>\n" + s + "\n</title>\n";

  public String getCaption(String s) {
        + s
        + "</caption>";

  public String getTr(String s) {
    return "<tr>" + s + "</tr>\n";
  //<td width="91" height="39">c11</td>

  public String getTd(int w, int h, String s) {
    return "\n\t<td width=\""
        + w
        + "\" height=\"" + h + "\">"
        + s +

  public String getTd(String s) {
    return "\n\t<td>"
        + s +

  public String getRow(int r, int nc) {
    String s = "";
    for (int c = 1; c <= nc; c++)
      s = s + getTd(r + "," + c + " ");
    return s;


  public String getSheet(String a[][]) {
    String s = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      s = "<tr>" + s;
      for (int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) {
        s = s + getTd(a[i][j]);
      s = s + "</tr><p>\n";
    return s;

  public String getSheet(String a[]) {
    String s = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      s = "<tr>" + s;
      s = s + getTd(a[i]);
      s = s + "</tr><p>\n";
    return s;

  public String getTable(String s) {
    return "\n<table border=1>\n" + s + "\n</table>\n";

  public String getInput(
      String type,
      String name,
      String value,
      int size) {
        "\n<input type=" + quote(type)
        + "name=" + quote(name)
        + " value=" + quote(value)
        + "size=" + size
        + ">\n";

  public String getImage(String imageName) {
    return "<img src="
        + quote(imageName)
        + "alt=" + imageName
        + ">";


  public String getInput(
      String type,
      String name,
      String value) {
        "\n<input type=" + type + ' '
        + "name=" + name
        + " value=" + value
        + " >";
  // <input type="radio" name="B1_Rating" value="Excellent">

  public String getRadio(String name, String value) {
        getInput("radio", name, value) + value;

  //<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="UID" VALUE="" SIZE=30>
  public String getTextField(String name, String value, int size) {
        getInput("text", name, value, 30);

  public String getRadioButtons(String name, int b) {
    String s = "";
    for (int i = 1; i <= b; i++)
      s = s + getRadio(name, i + "");
    return "<p>" + s + "";

  public String getPassField(String name, String value, int size) {
        getInput("password", name, value, 30);

  public String getTextField(String name, String value) {
        getTextField(name, value, 30);

  public String getPassField(String name, String value) {
        getPassField(name, value, 30);

  public String getPassField(String name) {
        getPassField(name, "", 30);

  public String getTextField(String name) {
        getTextField(name, "", 30);

  //<FORM action="" method="POST">
  public String getForm(String action, String method, String s) {
    return "\n<form action=" + quote(action)
        + "method=" + quote(method) + ">\n"
        + s + ' '
        + "\n </form >\n";

  public String quote(String s) {
    return '\"' + s + "\" ";

  public String getTable(int nr, int nc) {
    String s = "<TABLE BORDER=1>";
    for (int r = 1; r <= nr; r++) {
      s = s +
          getTr(getRow(r, nc));
      // assume number of columns is the
      // same for each row
    return s + "</table>";

  public String testForm1() {
            getHead(getTitle("testForm")) +
                getForm("", "GET",
                        getP(getTextField("name")) +
                        getPassField("password") +
                        getRadioButtons("q1", 5)


  public String[] getSelects(String name, int n) {
    String s[] = new String[n];
    s[0] = name;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
      s[i] = getSelect(name);
    return s;

  public String testForm() {

    String a [][] = {
      {"Student Name", "Analytic Skills",
       "Communication Skills",
       "creative problem solving"},
      getSelects("doe", 4),
      getSelects("shmoe", 4),
      getSelects("wanker", 4),
      getSelects("spanker", 4),
      getSelects("peabody", 4),
                    "my title!")) +
                getHomePage(10) +
                        getCaption("My Caption")
                        + getSheet(a))
                    + getSubmit()
                    + getImage(


  public static void main(String args[]) {
    HtmlSynthesizer hs = new HtmlSynthesizer();
            hs.getForm("", "GET",
                       hs.getTextField("name")) +
            hs.getTable(9, 20)));