[1] Exactly how sensors determined the car's position was not described.

[2] Barraquand et al. suggest the use of a connection machine with 65,536 processors to search nonholonomically-constrained configuration-space in less than a second [Barraquand et al 1989].

[3] Simulation experiments show that this assumption is not realistic.

[4] A synchro is a rotating transducer used to convert shaft-angle position into an electrical signal or the reverse. This is generally a three-phase device. Accuracy refers to the electrical angle as indicated by the output voltage minus the rotor-position angle.

[5] The following data relates directly to the TI and Polaroid sonar systems.

[6] This report is included with data sheets from Poloroid and is not dated.

7 Here 'strictly' is used to mean that the constraint applies to all points on the curve.

[8] Ice and snow cause relaxation of the no-slip condition.

[9] The length of the car, when computing curvature, is measured from wheel-base to wheel-base.
The car's bumper-to-bumper length is 4.3 meters, and this is used to compute the maneuvering room.

[10] If we knew that systematic error was the only kind of error we would encounter then we could adjust
the plant model. This would be an example of Model Reference Adaptive Control [Ciccarella 1989].

[11] From simulation tables.

[12] A trade-mark of High performance Systems, Lyme, NH.