Syllabus revised May 30, 2005

Course Name & Number:          Voice and Signal Processing            CR310 (SW511,ECE460)


Course Description:

Overview of Digital Audio and its application Current state of streaming Audio on the Internet Digital Audio Processing Fundamentals. This course applies transform concepts and applied multi-media object-oriented programming. Students will apply the theories of Sampling, Spectra, Fast Fourier Transform Class, convolution and frequency space processing, compression and one-dimensional streaming. Students will apply the theories by creating programs that read processing and write audio streams. They are exposed to the elements of multi-media network delivery of data. They learn about a wide class of FFT algorithms and elementary sound synthesis. This course requires substantial programming effort and emphasis is place on good software engineering practices. Students will learn enough signal processing to take Image Processing, the follow-on course.


Prerequisite – CS232, MA 172 or permission of instructor.

Computer Usage: We are using IntelliJ as the IDE, with JDK1.4.



Tuesdays 4:00pm - 7:00pm



Norden: on-site



Jeffrey N. Denenberg

Douglas Lyon


(203) 268-1021

(203) 641-6293



(203) 877-4187


Home Page:


CS232, MA 172 or permission of instructor.


Office Hours:

The hour before class on Tuesdays
Contact either instructor via Phone,
Fax or Email at any reasonable time.



Sanjit J. Mitra,
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach,
3rd edition, McGraw-Hill 2005,
ISBN 0-07-286546-6

Lyon and Rao,
Java Digital Signal Processing, paperback or PDF, with CD-ROM or on-line distro.


MatLab 4.2c (or later), The Mathworks
(4.2c is available from the instructor)



Phillips and Parr, Signals, Systems, and Transforms,
3rd edition, Prentice-Hall 2003,
ISBN 0-13-041207-4

Philips and Parr, Interactive Lecture Notes (Chapters 1-7), EE235
Thanks to the University of Washington

Mitra, 2nd Edition, Lecture Notes, Index

Hsu, Analog and Digital Communications,
Schaum's Outlines, McGraw-Hill 1993

Lathi, Linear Systems and Signals,
2nd edition, Prentice-Hall 2002

Soliman and Srinath, Continous and Discrete Signals and Systems,
2nd edition, Prentice-Hall 1990

Lathi, Linear Systems and Signals,
2nd edition, Prentice-Hall 2002

Denenberg, Fourier Series

Denenberg, Fourier Transform

Denenberg, Sampling and Reconstruction

Denenberg, Linear Systems

Denenberg, Introduction to Noise



This course designed to support the signal processing and computer systems domain in the CE BS degree. When the course is done, Students will have written their own Java applications that demonstrate the ideas presented in the course. This course requires substantial programming effort and emphasis is place on good software engineering practices.

Learning Objectives for Voice and Signal Processing

1. The students will learn the principles of Digital Signal Processing.

2. The students will become proficient with the usage of the Java language.

3. The students will recognize interrelationships among signals and spectra

4. The students will learn enough CS to do basic multi-media programming

5. The students will learn about Object Oriented Design

6. The students will learn how to apply their mathematical background to signal processing


oc1. Students write a program to display waveforms using a software o-scope.

oc2. Demonstrates the ability to utilize Java in practical signal processing problems.

oc3. Uses appropriate object-oriented design patterns to solve problems.

oc4. Applies transform concepts in programming situations

oc5. Students can perform constructive and destructive synthesis.

oc6. Students perform spectral analysis

Student Objective

Outcome Category


The students will learn the principles of Digital Signal Processing. 2. 3. 4.





The students will become proficient with the usage of the Java language. The students will recognize interrelationships among signals and spectra


Problem Solving



The students will learn enough CS to do basic multi-media programming

Use Modern Engineering tools





The students will learn about Object Oriented Design The students will learn how to apply their mathematical background to signal processing




Performance Indicators:

      Aside from the basics assessment procedures based on homeworks and tests, Students must obtain 75% or better on all tests. Additionally, students must perform at least 75% on the homeworks.

Textbook: Java Digital Signal Processing by Douglas Lyon

Reference Material:         Websites to be announced

Course Requirements:     The course includes three reporting periods (exam, quiz, project, etc.) and a comprehensive final.

Attendance Policy:      Students are responsible to acquire notes and homework assignment from classmates in case of absence.

Grading Policy:

            Homework and Laboratory Trials: 1/3

            Midterm Exam                        : 1/3

            Final Exam : 1/3

Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Assignments handed in during class lose 5 points, after class 10 points. Late submittals lose 10 points per day including weekends and holidays. Missing a test results in a zero unless a written excuse is presented.


Homework requirements:

Print out a listing of the program. Print out the program input and output. You may need to do this at various levels of detail. Hand in a labeled disk with a printout. Place the disk in a #10 letter envelope and staple the envelope to the printout.


Java Sound Topics by week (schedule is subject to change)


Preliminary topics:

10.  Overview of Digital Audio and its application, Current state of streaming Audio on the Internet, Problems and solutions. Midterm Assigned.

11.  Digital Audio Processing Fundamentals, Sampling, Spectra

12.  Midterm due. AudioStreams, doubleData, ulawData, Audio File Formats/Coding, Audio file formats, u-law companding in the Sun AU files, decoding u-law, encoding u-law, reading, writing, playing,

13.  Constructive Synthesis, Sine, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth

14.  Spectral Analysis, The Discrete Fourier Transform, The Inverse DFT, The Fast Fourier Transform Class, The Inverse FFT method, Fast Convolution using the FFT, Power Spectral Estimation, Filtering using FFT, Additive vs. Subtractive Synthesis, Frequency shifting using the FFT, Delay, echo vs. reverb spectral impact

Week 15.    Final


ECE460 Class Schedule - Summer 2005

Week / Text


Lecture / Discussion


May 31




Course Introduction

Java Programming Review

Fourier Series Review

Smith: Chapter 1
Lyon's Notes
Denenberg's Tutorials
Analog Signals and Systems Notes

June 7


Fourier transform and Convolution Review

Lutovac: Chapter 1

June 14


Sampling and Reconstruction

June 21


The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and the Fast Fourier Transform

June 28


The Z-Transform

July 5


Java Signal Processing

July 12


Digital Filter Structures


July 19


Digital Filter Design


July 26


Exam 1


August 2


Java Signal Processing


August 9


Java Signal Processing


August 16


Java Signal Processing


August 23


Java Signal Processing


August 30


Java Signal Processing


September 6

