Sample Quiz 1


Choose the answer which makes the question correct.

The ISO-OSI Model is a 7 layer model used to describe most networks today. Let the layers be numbered as follows: 1 Physical Layer, 2 Data Link Layer, 3 Network Layer, 4 Transport Layer, 5 Session Layer, 6 Presentation Layer, and 7 Application Layer.

Error control procedures are specified at each layer of the OSI reference model. Indicate the layer number at which each of the following errors might occur in the space provided.

1. Noise on the transmission link converts a 0 to a 1. (please select from below).

1 Physical Layer, 2 Data Link Layer, 3 Network Layer, 4 Transport Layer, 5 Session Layer, 6 Presentation Layer, and 7 Application Layer.

2. A packet (a network protocol data unit) is routed to the wrong destination.________

3. A frame (a data link protocol data unit) is received out of sequence. _______

4. A Regional Bell Operating Company (RBOC) says "We're%20all%20connected." Suppose 17.8 million people in the state of New York are all completely connected, how many connections are there? (you don't need to simplify your results).___________________

5. Assuming an ANSI definition of half duplex and full duplex, suppose that the people in question four are connected via a bus topology network, what kind of duplex could they use? Circle either of the following choices:
a. Half duplex
b. full duplex