package xml;

import java.util.Vector;
import net.Cart;
import net.Product;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

 *   The CartDocumentHandler gets notification in
 * the form of a call-back method. These
 * call-backs are like the Listener model
 * used for event handling. When a new element
 * is encountered, for example, that creates
 * a call-back. The call-backs are handled
 * in the DocumentHandler:

public class CartDocumentHandler
    extends DefaultHandler {

  private Cart c = new Cart();
  private Vector stringVector = new Vector();

  public Cart getCart() {
    return c;

   *      The Locator  instance must be
   * used locally to identify
   * the origin of a SAX event.
  //public void setDocumentLocator(Locator l) {

  // public void startDocument()
  //     throws SAXException {
  // }

  // public void endDocument()
  //    throws SAXException {

  /** The AttributeList is not
   * going to have any attributes
   * in it for our example (i.e.
   * <book isbn=10> provides an
   * attribute of isbn whose value is 10).
  public void startElement() {

   * When we get the </Product> tag, then
   * we want to invoke
   * addProduct otherwise, just return:
  public void endElement(String name) {
    if (!name.equals("Product")) return;

   * addProduct will
   * make an instance of a
   * Product class and add it to the
   * Cart instance. It is added by parsing
   * the last three strings that
   * have been pushed into the StringVector.
  public void addProduct() {
    String sa[] = new String[stringVector.size()];
    if (sa.length < 3) return;

    String name = sa[0];
    float price = Float.valueOf(sa[1]).floatValue();
    int productId = Integer.valueOf(sa[2]).intValue();

    Product p
        = new Product(name, price, productId);
    stringVector = new Vector();
   * when characters are found, we add them to
   * the string vector for latter use.
  public void characters(char buf [], int offset, int len) {
    stringVector.addElement(new String(buf, offset, len));

  public void ignorableWhitespace(
      char buf [], int offset, int len) {

   * The processingInstruction is
   *  called back when a non XML
   * declaration is made.
  public void processingInstruction(
      String target,
      String data) {
