package sound;

import javax.sound.midi.MidiFileFormat;
import javax.sound.midi.Sequence;
import java.awt.*;
// to get this to import on a mac,
// add to the class path:
// /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Classes/ui.jar

public class MidiFileInfo {
  private static final int LOAD_METHOD_STREAM = 1;
  private static final int LOAD_METHOD_FILE = 2;
  private static final int LOAD_METHOD_URL = 3;

  public static String getReadFile() {
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "select a midifile");;
    return fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int nLoadMethod = LOAD_METHOD_FILE;
    boolean bCheckSequence = false;
    int nCurrentArg = 0;
    String strSource = getReadFile();
    String strFilename = strSource;
    MidiFileFormat fileFormat = null;
    Sequence sequence = null;

     *  And now, we output the data.
    if (fileFormat == null) {
      System.out.println("Cannot determine format");
    } else {
      System.out.println("Source: " + strFilename);
      System.out.println("Midi File Type: " + fileFormat.getType());

      float fDivisionType = fileFormat.getDivisionType();
      String strDivisionType = null;
      if (fDivisionType == Sequence.PPQ) {
        strDivisionType = "PPQ";
      } else if (fDivisionType == Sequence.SMPTE_24) {
        strDivisionType = "SMPTE, 24 frames per second";
      } else if (fDivisionType == Sequence.SMPTE_25) {
        strDivisionType = "SMPTE, 25 frames per second";
      } else if (fDivisionType == Sequence.SMPTE_30DROP) {
        strDivisionType = "SMPTE, 29.97 frames per second";
      } else if (fDivisionType == Sequence.SMPTE_30) {
        strDivisionType = "SMPTE, 30 frames per second";

      System.out.println("DivisionType: " + strDivisionType);

      String strResolutionType = null;
      if (fileFormat.getDivisionType() == Sequence.PPQ) {
        strResolutionType = " ticks per beat";
      } else {
        strResolutionType = " ticks per frame";
      System.out.println("Resolution: " + fileFormat.getResolution() + strResolutionType);

      String strFileLength = null;
      if (fileFormat.getByteLength() != MidiFileFormat.UNKNOWN_LENGTH) {
        strFileLength = "" + fileFormat.getByteLength() + " bytes";
      } else {
        strFileLength = "unknown";
      System.out.println("Length: " + strFileLength);

      String strDuration = null;
      if (fileFormat.getMicrosecondLength() != MidiFileFormat.UNKNOWN_LENGTH) {
        strDuration = "" + fileFormat.getMicrosecondLength() + " microseconds)";
      } else {
        strDuration = "unknown";
      System.out.println("Duration: " + strDuration);

      if (bCheckSequence) {
        System.out.println("[Sequence says:] Length: " + sequence.getTickLength() + " ticks (= " + sequence.getMicrosecondLength() + " us)");


/*** ***/