package jdbc;

import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;

 * Facade pattern implementation
 * for JDBC
 * This init method creates the
 * connection to the database and retrieves
 * additional database information.
 * @version 1.00

public class MetaBeanFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
  private String url = null;
  private String driver = null;

  private String userId = null;
  private String password = null;
  private java.sql.Connection c = null;
  private java.sql.Statement statement = null;
  private java.sql.DatabaseMetaData dbmd = null;
  private java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
  private java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null;
  private java.sql.ResultSet rs_tabletypes = null;

  private boolean isReadOnly = false;
  private boolean usesLocalFiles = false;
  private String driverName = null;
  private String catalogName = null;
  private String productName = null;
  private String keyWords = null;
  private String tablename = null;
  private String currentquery = null;

  private String tableFields[] = null;
  private String tableNames[] = null;
  private String nonMSysTables[] = null;

   * Determines if database
   * uses a local file.
   * The value is set using the DatabaseMetaData.
   * usesLocalFiles() method
   * contained in the java.sql package.
   * This method is called and this value is
   * set in this classes init() method.
   *    @return true if it does, false if not
  public boolean getUsesLocalFiles() {
    return usesLocalFiles;

   * Gets whether or not this connection
   * to this database is read only.
   * The value is set using the
   * Connection.isReadOnly() method
   * contained in the java.sql package.
   * This method is called and this value is
   * set in this classes init() method.
   *    @return true if it is, false if not
  public boolean getReadOnly() {
    return isReadOnly;

   * Gets this Connection's current catalog name.
   * The value is set using the
   * Connection.getCatalog() method
   * contained in the java.sql package. This method is called and this value is
   * set in this classes init() method.
   *    @return the current catalog name or null */
  public String getCatalogName() {
    return catalogName;

   * Gets the name of this JDBC driver.
   * The value is set using the
   * DatabaseMetaData.getDriverName() method
   * contained in the java.sql package.
   * This method is called and this value is
   * set in this classes init() method.
   *    @return the JDBC Driver name
  public String getDriverName() {
    return driverName;

   * Gets the name of this database product.
   * The value is set using the
   * DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductName() method
   * contained in the java.sql package.
   * This method is called and this value is
   * set in this classes init() method.
   *    @return the database product name
  public String getProductName() {
    return productName;

   * Gets the ResultSet contained
   * in this instance variable rs.
   *    @return this classes ResultSet
  public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet() {
    return rs;

   * Gets the value of this current table name.
   * The value is set using the
   * SqlBean.setTableName() method
   *    @return the current table name
  public String getTableName() {
    return tablename;

   * Gets the value of this current SQL.
   * The value is set using the
   * SqlBean.query() method
   *    @return the current SQL query
  public String getCurrentQuery() {
    return currentquery;

   * Gets the table names contained in
   * this current database.
   * The table names are placed in a
   * ResultSet using the DatabaseMetaData.
   * getTables() method
   * From the ResultSet, the tables are
   * added to a vector and then
   * converted into a String array.
   * This method can be used
   *  at anytime after the init()
   * method is called to set the DataBaseMetaData.
   *    @return the table names
  public String[] getTableNames(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData dbmd, String userid) {
    java.util.Vector tableVector = new java.util.Vector();
    try {
      rs = dbmd.getTables(null, userid, null, null);
      rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
      while (

    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    int n = tableVector.size();
    tableNames = new String[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      tableNames[i] = (String) tableVector.elementAt(i);
    return tableNames;

   * Gets the names of all the Non-System Tables in this Database.
   * Retrieves all the tables using the
   * getTableNames() method.
   * Then uses the
   * getNumberOfMSysTables() to determine the number of
   * SystemTables contained in the
   * database and places those names in a String array.
   * This method can be used at anytime
   * after the init() method is called to
   * set the DataBaseMetaData.
   * @return the names of the non-system tables
/*  public String[] getNonMSysTables() {

        String tn[] = getTableNames();
        int n = tableNames.length - getNumberOfMSysTables();
        nonMSysTables = new String[n];
        for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
            nonMSysTables[i]= tn[i+getNumberOfMSysTables()];

        return nonMSysTables;

   * Gets the number of the System Tables in this Database.
   * Used to help determine the table names
   * in the getNonMSysTables() method.
   * Determine the number of SystemTables
   * contained in the database my searching for
   * names starting with MSys.
   * @return the number of system tables
  private int getNumberOfMSysTables() {

    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++)
      if (tableNames[i].startsWith("MSys"))
    return k;

   * Gets the table types available in
   * this database connection. The results
   * are ordered by table type. *
   * The results are ordered by table type.
   * Typical types are:
   * <br>"TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE",
   *    @return the current SQL query

  public java.sql.ResultSet getTableTypes() {
    return rs_tabletypes;

   * Sets this classes resultset instance variable,
   * rs, based on a provided SQL query.
   * @param myquery the SQL query
//  public void setResultSet(String myquery)    {
//      rs = query(myquery);
//  }

   * Sets this classes instance variable,
   * userId, for this database connection.
   * This is the database user on whose behalf the Connection is being made for
   * @param _userID the database UserId
  public void setUserId(String _userId) {
    userId = _userId;

   * Sets this classes instance variable,
   * password, for this database connection.
   * The password associated with the database
   * user on whose behalf the
   *    Connection is being made for.
   * @param _password the database Password */
  public void setPassword(String _password) {
    password = _password;

   * Sets this classes instance variable, url, for this database url. *
   * The url is in the form of jdbc:subprotocol:subname *
   * @param _url the database url
  public void setUrl(String _url) {
    url = _url;

   * Sets the name of the instance variable, driver, which this class is loadeding.
   * This is the string representation of the driver being loaded to
   make the connection to the database.
   * @param _driver the driver name
  public void setDriver(String _driver) {
    driver = _driver;

   * Sets this classes instance variable, tablename,
   * for the current database tablename. *
   * @param _tablename the database tablename
  public void setTableName(String _tablename) {
    tablename = _tablename;

   * Constructor.
  public MetaBeanFrame() {

   * Loads specified driver and initializes the
   * Connection to this Database.
   * <p>Loads the driver and Connects to the Database
   * <br>Retrieves and sets Database/
   Connection Information as follows:
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp MetaData of this Database
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Read Only Property
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Uses Local Files Property
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Driver Name Used for the Connection
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Database Product Name
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Table Types in this Database */

  public void init() {
    try {

// ************ uncomment the following in order to work @ home
//          DriverManager.registerDriver( new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
//          c = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userId,password);
      c = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, userId, password);
      dbmd = c.getMetaData();
      catalogName = c.getCatalog();
      isReadOnly = c.isReadOnly();
      usesLocalFiles = dbmd.usesLocalFiles();
      driverName = dbmd.getDriverName();
      productName = dbmd.getDatabaseProductName();
      rs_tabletypes = dbmd.getTableTypes();

    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    System.out.println("Opened Connection:" + url);

   * Prints information about this database connection.
   * <p>
   * <br>Prints the following information:
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp The name of this database product
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  This Connection's current catalog name
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Is this connection in read-only mode
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  Does this database store tables in a local files
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  The name of this JDBC driver
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  The SQL keywords of this database
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  The table types of all the tables in this database
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  The names of all the tables in this database
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp  The names of all the non-system tables in this database
  public void printDataBaseInfo() {
    println("productName=" + productName);
    println("catalogName=" + catalogName);
    println("is ReadOnly=" + getReadOnly());
    println("usesLocalFiles=" + getUsesLocalFiles());
    println("driverName=" + driverName);
    println("Non SL92 keywords:");
    println("TableNames - All:");
//      println(getTableNames());
    println("TableNames - NonSystem:");
//      println(getNonMSysTables());


   * Prints information about this current ResultSet.
   * <p>
   * <br>Prints the following information:
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp The column names (fields) of this database
   * <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp The type name of the columns (fields) used by this database
   * @param _rs the current ResultSet
  public void printResultSetInfo(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    println("Column Names:");
    println("Column Types:");
    println("Number of Rows:");
    println("Print The First Row:");

   * Closes the connections to this database. */
  public void close() {

    try {


      System.out.println("closed connection");
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {

   * Creates a Result Set based on an sql query. *
   * @param _sql the sql query
   * @return the ResultSet
  public java.sql.ResultSet query(java.sql.Connection c, String sql) {

    try {
      statement = c.createStatement();
      currentquery = sql;
      return statement.executeQuery(sql);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return null;

   * Gets the MetaData for a specified ResultSet. *
   * @param _rs the ResultSet
   * @return the ResultSetMetaData
  public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getResultSetMetaData(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    try {
      return _rs.getMetaData();
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return null;

   * Gets the number of columns in a ResultSet. *
   * @param _rsmd the ResultSetMetaData
   * @return number of Columns (fields)
  public int getColumnCount(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData _rsmd) {
    try {
      return _rsmd.getColumnCount();
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return 0;

   * Gets the keywords associated with this database. *
   * @return the keywords

  public String getKeyWords() {

    try {
      return dbmd.getSQLKeywords();
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return null;

   * Gets the database types of the columns in a ResultSet.
   * These are the type name used by this database. If the column type is a user-defined type,
   * then a fully-qualified type name is returned. *
   * @param _rsmd the ResultSetMetaData
   * @return the column types

  public String[] getColumnTypeNames(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData _rsmd) {

    int count = getColumnCount(_rsmd);

    String sa [] = new String[count];
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) {
        sa[i] = _rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i + 1);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return sa;

   * Converts a row in a ResultSet to a String.
   * @param _rs the ResultSet pointed to a particular row
   * @return the contents of the ResultSet
  public String[] getRowAsString(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {

    int N = getColumnCount(getResultSetMetaData(_rs));
    String s[] = new String[N];
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        s[i] = _rs.getString(i + 1);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return s;

   * Converts a ResultSet to a Vector of Strings. *
   * @param _rs the ResultSet
   * @return the vector containing the ResultSet with each row as a String */

  public java.util.Vector getRows(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    java.util.Vector v = new java.util.Vector();
    while (nextRow(_rs))
    return v;

   * Returns the size of a vector.
   Used with the getRows() method that converts a ResultSet to a vector.
   * @param v the Vector
   * @return the number of rows
  public int getNumberofRows(java.util.Vector v) {
    return v.size();

   * Moves to the top of this RecordSet.
   * @param _rs the ResultSet
  public void moveToTop(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    try {
      // not implemented in 1.2
      throw new java.sql.SQLException("Not implemented until jdk1.2");
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {

   * Prints the contents of a provided ResultSet. *
   * @param _rs the ResultSet
  public void print(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    int i;
    String cn[] = getTableFields(getResultSetMetaData(_rs));
    boolean more = false;
    while (more = nextRow(_rs))


  public java.util.Vector getRecords(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    java.util.Vector v = new java.util.Vector();
    int i;
//      println(cn);
    boolean more = false;
    while (more = nextRow(_rs))
//          println(getRowAsString(_rs));
    return v;

   * Prints the contents of a provided Object. * Uses the toString() method for the
   * provided object.
   * @param o the Object

  public void println(Object o) {


   * Prints the contents of a String array.
   * @param s[] the array

  public void println(String s[]) {

    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
      System.out.print(s[i] + '\t');


   * Prints messages about this SQL Exception. *
   * @param ex the exception

  private void print(java.sql.SQLException ex) {
    println("\n*** SQLException caught ***\n");
    while (ex != null) {
      println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
      println("Message: " + ex.getMessage());
      println("Vendor: " + ex.getErrorCode());
      ex = ex.getNextException();

   * Moves to the next row of a provided ResultSet. *
   * @param _rs the ResultSet
  public boolean nextRow(java.sql.ResultSet _rs) {
    try {
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
      return false;

   * Gets the names of the columns (fields)
   * in a provided ResultSet. *
   * @param _rs the ResultSetMetaData
   * @return the table names
  public String[] getTableFields(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData _rsmd) {

    String s [] = new String[getColumnCount(_rsmd)];
    try {
      for (int i = 1; i <= s.length; i++)
        s[i - 1] = _rsmd.getColumnLabel(i);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    tableFields = s;
    return s;

   * Gets this DataBaseMetaData object.
   * @return this DataBaseMetaData

  public java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getDatabaseMetaData() {

    return dbmd;

   * Process an SQL INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statement string.
   * Additionally, this could be an SQL
   * statement that returns nothing such as SQL DDL statments.
   * @param sql the SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement
   * or an SQL statement that returns nothing

  public void modifyDatabase(java.sql.Connection c, String sql) {

    try {
      java.sql.Statement s = c.createStatement();
      int updateResult = s.executeUpdate(sql);
          "Update is  Successful \n" + c,

      println("UPDATE SUCCESSFUL");
      println("SQL Statment= " + sql);
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
          "Update not Successful \n" + e,
          "Error Message",



 *abstract class Runbutton extends Button class and implements
 *Actionlistener and Runnable interfaces. This class is used create runnable buttons.
 * method is called in the action event method.

abstract class RunButton
    extends java.awt.Button
    implements java.awt.event.ActionListener,
    Runnable {
  RunButton(String s) {

  public void actionPerformed(
      java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {

 *The class RdbmsUtil extends MetaBean and implements Action listener interface

class RdbmsUtil extends MetaBeanFrame implements java.awt.event.ActionListener {
  // Frame properties
  private java.awt.GridBagConstraints gbCons;
  private java.awt.GridBagLayout gbLayout;
  private java.awt.Container cont;
  private javax.swing.JScrollPane tablePanel;
  private javax.swing.JPanel dsnPanel,browsePanel,buttonPanel,innerDsnPanel,tabListPanel,newRecordsPanel;
  private javax.swing.JLabel username,password;
  private javax.swing.JList databaseList, tableList;
  private javax.swing.JTextField tfUserid, tfPassword;
  public javax.swing.JTextField newRow[], tf[];
  public boolean connected = false, inserted = false, updated = false;

  /**    connectivity properites
   *    the following url is using oracle jdbc driver to access oracle databases
   *      oracle jdbc driver is downloaded from and installed
   *      in order to  access oracle 7.x and oracle8i databases
  private String url = "jdbc:oracle:oci8:@"; // work on oracle jdbc driver
  private String driver = ""; // work on oracle jdbc driver
  private String userId = "scott";
  private String passWord = "tiger";
  public java.sql.Connection conn;
  private java.sql.DatabaseMetaData dbmd, tableDbmd;
  private java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmd,tableRsmd;
  private boolean isReadOnly = false;
  private boolean usesLocalFiles = false;
  private String driverName = null;
  private String catalogName = null;
  private String productName = null;
  // table information
  private String tableFields[] = null;
  private String tableNames[] = null;
  private String nonMSysTables[] = null;
  public String columnNames [] = null, columnTypes [] = null;
  private java.util.Vector recordsVector, newRecordsVector,updateStmtVector;
  javax.swing.JPanel innerPanel;
  public int rows, cols, newRows = 0;
  public String tableName;
  public int currentRow, currentCol;
  // default tables and databases
  String tables[] = {"Employee             ", "Department         ", "Salary       ", "Bonus      ", "abc", "def", "GHI", "XYZ"};
  String databases[] = {"Production", "Development", "pulsed", "stst", "stqa", "stdv", "hpstqa", "Foxpro", "MySql", "Access"};

  // constructor
  RdbmsUtil() {
    // set the layout
    cont = getContentPane();
    cont.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());

    // new panel
    javax.swing.JPanel midPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();

    // define dsnpanel
    dsnPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    innerDsnPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    tabListPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    dsnPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.FlowLayout());
    innerDsnPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.GridLayout(0, 1));

    // defind tablepanel
    tablePanel = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();

    // define buttonpanel
    buttonPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    buttonPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.GridLayout(1, 0));

    // define browse panel
    gbLayout = new java.awt.GridBagLayout();
    browsePanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    innerPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    newRecordsPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();

    gbCons = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();

    // components

    tableList = new javax.swing.JList(tables);
    databaseList = new javax.swing.JList(databases);

    // properties to connect database and its values are defined
    tfUserid = new javax.swing.JTextField("scott");
    tfPassword = new javax.swing.JPasswordField("tiger");


    javax.swing.JLabel user = new javax.swing.JLabel("User Name :");
    javax.swing.JLabel pass = new javax.swing.JLabel("Password   :");
    javax.swing.JTextField testid = new javax.swing.JTextField("scott");

    javax.swing.JLabel database = new javax.swing.JLabel("Databases");
    javax.swing.JLabel lblTables = new javax.swing.JLabel("Tables");

    // runnable buttons are created
    // runnable button "query" is created
    java.awt.Button connect = new RunButton("Connect") {
      public void run() {
        connected = true;


    // properties are added into dsnPanel
    dsnPanel.add(new javax.swing.JScrollPane(databaseList));
    tabListPanel.add(new javax.swing.JScrollPane(tableList));

    // add runnable query button to buttonpanel
    buttonPanel.add(new RunButton("Query") {
      public void run() {
        if (connected) {
        } else {
              "Database is not connected!!!",
              "Error Message",


    // add runnable update button to buttonpanel
    buttonPanel.add(new RunButton("Update") {
      public void run() {
        if (connected) {
        } else {
              "Database is not connected!!!",
              "Error Message",


    // add runnable insert button to buttonpanel
    buttonPanel.add(new RunButton("Insert") {
      public void run() {
        if (connected) {
        } else {
              "Database is not connected!!!",
              "Error Message",


    // add runnable delete button to buttonpanel
    buttonPanel.add(new RunButton("Delete") {
      public void run() {
        if (connected) {
        } else {
              "Database is not connected!!!",
              "Error Message",


    // add runnable save button to buttonpanel
    buttonPanel.add(new RunButton("Save") {
      public void run() {
        if (connected) {
        } else {
              "Database is not connected!!!",
              "Error Message",


    // add runnable exit button to buttonpanel
    buttonPanel.add(new RunButton("Exit") {
      public void run() {
        if (connected) {

    // add panels to main Panel
    cont.add(dsnPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    browsePanel.setSize(800, 550);
    cont.add(new javax.swing.JScrollPane(browsePanel), java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
    cont.add(buttonPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    setSize(800, 500);


   *Sets the current row
   *sets the current row and col of the gui.mouse.m2.mouse pointer is focussed.
   * these current row and column is used in the class to locate
   * the row and process the entire row when update or delete takes place.
   *@param int row - current row
   *@param int col  - current column

  public void setCurrentRowCol(int row, int col) {
    currentRow = row;
    currentCol = col;

   *sets the color of the column
   *sets the current column's color in blue, this change of attribute of the JTextfield is just to
   * indicate the column is being edited.
   *@param int row - current row
   *@param int col  - current column
  public void setColumnColor(int row, int col) {
//      tf[row * col].setColor
//      tf[row * col].setcolor();

   *closed down the connection if it is open
   *This method is called from exit button and window closing listener service.

  public void shutDown() {
    try {
      if (!conn.isClosed())
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
      System.err.println("Unable to disconnect ");

   *connects the database per user selection
   *connects the database as per the user selection
   *login name and password and database name are used to connect the database.
   * method is called to connect appropriate database
  public void exConnect() {
    try {
      String db = (String) databaseList.getSelectedValue();
      String name = getUserId();
      String pass = getPassword();
      if (name == null || pass == null) {
            "Invalid user name/password",
            "Error ",

        throw new Exception();

      if (db.equals("Production")) {
        System.out.println(name + pass);
        conn = connectProduction(name, pass);
      } else if (db.equals("Development")) {
        conn = connectDevelopment(name, pass);
      } else {
        conn = connectOdbc(name, pass, db);
      // get dataBaseMetaData from the connection
      dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
      catalogName = conn.getCatalog();
      isReadOnly = conn.isReadOnly();
      driverName = dbmd.getDriverName();
      productName = dbmd.getDatabaseProductName();
      // get the table names available in the database
      tables = getTableNames(dbmd, name.toUpperCase());

      // populates the table names into tableList

    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Invalid user name/password" + e,
          "Error Message",
    System.out.println("Opened Connection :" + url);

   *gets Userid entered by the user
   *@return userid - string - returns the userid

  public String getUserId() {
    return tfUserid.getText();

   *gets password entered by the user
   *@return password - string - returns the password

  public String getPassword() {
    return tfPassword.getText();

   *gets the connection to production database
   * production database is a oracle databse;
   * java uses oracle jdbc driver to
   * connect database. Per oracle, java has to register
   * oracle jdbc driver using method
   * DriverManager.registerDriver, and get the connection
   * using url "jdbc:oracle:oci8:"
   * database service name with @. The service name in this
   * script is null (@ ), because
   * this script access oracle8i personal edition which does
   * not have service name.
   *@param userid - oracle database userid entered by user
   *@param password - oracle database password
   *@return connection - returns connection

  public java.sql.Connection connectProduction(
      String userId,
      String passWord) {
    conn = null;
    try {
      Class c = Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
          (java.sql.Driver) c.newInstance());
      // work on oracle jdbc
      String url = "jdbc:oracle:oci8:@pulseD";
      // work on oracle jdbc driver
      conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, userId, passWord);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return conn;

   *gets the connection to oracle development database
   * development  database is a oracle database; java uses oracle odbc driver to
   * connect the database. This development database is accessed using database
   * service name with @. The service name in this script is pulsed (@pulsed ).
   * this service name is defined  in tnsnames.ora of oracle_home/network/admin folder.
   * Oracle reads this file to get the connection specification like ip addBk.address of the machine
   * where the database exist, protocol, tcp port information in order to connect the
   * database.
   *@param userid - oracle database userid entered by user
   *@param password - oracle database password
   *@return connection - returns connection

  public java.sql.Connection connectDevelopment(String userId, String passWord) {
    conn = null;
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:pulsed"; // work on pulsed
    String driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; // work on pulsed
    try {

      conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, userId, passWord);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return conn;

   *gets the connection to other databases
   * other databases like foxpro could be connected using odbc driver.
   *@param userid - oracle database userid entered by user
   *@param password - oracle database password
   *@return connection - returns connection
   *@see connectProduction
   *@see connectDevelopment

  public java.sql.Connection connectOdbc(String userId, String passWord, String serviceName) {
    conn = null;
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:" + serviceName; // work on pulsed
    String driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; // work on pulsed
    try {

      conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, userId, passWord);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
    return conn;

   *exQuery method is executed when query button is pressed.
   *once the tables from the database are populated into tablelist user could
   * select a table and press query button to get the data of the table in a table format
   *@see exConnect
  public void exQuery() {
    recordsVector = new java.util.Vector(); // where the records are stored
    tableName = (String) tableList.getSelectedValue(); // selected table name
    if (tableName == null) {
          "Please select a table to query data ",
          "Error Message ",


    initArrays(); // init all arrays
    // puts records into a vector
    recordsVector = getRecords(query(conn,
                                     "SELECT * FROM "
                                     + tableName));
    // get the total no of columns in the table
    cols = getColumnCount(
                  "SELECT * FROM "
                  + tableName)));
    // gets the resultsetmetaData of the query
    tableRsmd = getResultSetMetaData(
              "SELECT * FROM "
              + tableName));
    // gets no of rows in the table
    rows = getNumberofRows(recordsVector);

    columnTypes = new String[cols];
    // gets the column types and stores in String array
    columnTypes = getColumnTypeNames(
                  "SELECT * FROM "
                  + tableName)));
    // formats the data into a table
    formatTable(rows, cols);

        "Query is executed",

   *initArrays, is called to initialize array and cells

  public void initArrays() {
    newRow = null;
    inserted = false;

   *formats the data in a presentable format Table.
   *This method is called when the user select a table and press query button.
   *This method takes no of rows and columns in the table through parameter and
   * creates JTextFields and populates value in them. Every JTextField is associated
   * with gui.mouse.m2.mouse handler, and action listener. Mouse Handler would keep track of the
   * current row and column of the cell the gui.mouse.m2.mouse pointer is pressed. Action listener is
   * process the update statement in the event of enter is pressed after a value is changed.
   *@param int - row no of rows
   *@param int - no of columns in a row

  public void formatTable(int rows, int cols) {
    int r = 0;
    int c = 0;
    int row = 0;
    innerPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    browsePanel.setLayout(new java.awt.FlowLayout());
    innerPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.GridLayout(0, cols));
    newRecordsPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.GridLayout(0, cols));
    javax.swing.JTextField tf [] = new javax.swing.JTextField[rows * cols];
    String columns [];

    for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
      for (c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        System.out.println("row " + r + " col" + c);
        tf[row] = new javax.swing.JTextField(10);
        tf[row].addMouseListener(new jdbc.RdbmsUtil.MouseHandler(r, c));
        addComponent(innerPanel, tf[row]);
    browsePanel.add(innerPanel, 0);
    fillData(tf, recordsVector, rows, cols);


   *getOldValue method is used to get the old value of the cell
   *This method is called when the user changes the value of any cell, and the old
   * and new values are shown in a dialog box
   *@param int - row of the cell
   *@param int - column of the cell
   *@return String - old value of the cell
  public String getOldValue(int row, int col) {
    String rowArr [];
    String oldValue;
    rowArr = (String[]) recordsVector.elementAt(row);
    return oldValue = rowArr[col];


   *generates update statement and keeps in an array
   *method generateUpdateStmt is used when a value in a cell is changed and pressed
   * enter key to confirm the change is done. This method gets the current row and column
   * that is set by the gui.mouse.m2.mouse handler, gets the old value from the vector and current value
   * and generate the update statment
   *@param int row - currect row
   *@param int column - current column
   *@param int String new Value
  public void generateUpdateStmt(int row, int col, String newValue) {
    String rowArr [];
    String oldValue;
    String sql = null;
    rowArr = (String[]) recordsVector.elementAt(row);
    // init update statement vector in case of first update
    if (!updated) {
      updateStmtVector = new java.util.Vector();
      updated = true;

    sql = "update  " +
        tableName +
        " set " + columnNames[col] + " = ";
    if (columnTypes[col].equals("varchar2")) {
      sql += "\'";
      sql += newValue;
      sql += "\'";
    } else if (columnTypes[col].equals("number")) {
      sql += newValue;
    } else if (columnTypes[col].equals("date")) {
      try {
        sql += "to_date('";
        sql += newValue.substring(0, 10);
        sql += "\','YYYY-MM-DD')";
      } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            "Invalid date format!!!\n Valid format is [yyyy-mm-dd]",
            "Error Message ",
    } else {
      sql += "\'";
      sql += newValue;
      sql += "\'";
    sql += " where  ";
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
      if (c > 0) {
        sql += " and ";
      if (columnTypes[c].equals("date")) {
        sql += "trunc("; // oracle function to truncate time in date column
        sql += columnNames[c] + ")";
      } else {
        sql += columnNames[c];

      sql += formatColValue(c, rowArr[c]);

   *formatColValue method is used to formats the sql script
   *The method formatColValue is used to formats the sql script as the oracle
   * database requires the column to be formatted using specific oracle function
   * to_date to format a date type before update.
   *@param int column index which is to be formatted
   *@param String value of the column

  public String formatColValue(int col, String value) {
    String fmtValue = null;
    System.out.println("col # " + col);
    if (value == null) {
      fmtValue = "is ";
      fmtValue += value;
    } else if (columnTypes[col].equals("varchar2")) {
      fmtValue = " = ";
      fmtValue += "\'";
      fmtValue += value;
      fmtValue += "\'";
    } else if (columnTypes[col].equals("number")) {
      fmtValue = " = ";
      fmtValue += value;
    } else if (columnTypes[col].equals("date")) {
      try {
        fmtValue = " = ";
        fmtValue += "to_date('";
        fmtValue += value.substring(0, 10);
        fmtValue += "\','YYYY-MM-DD')";
      } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            "Invalid date format!!!\n Valid format is [yyyy-mm-dd]",
            "Error Message ",

    } else {
      fmtValue = " = ";
      fmtValue += "\'";
      fmtValue += value;
      fmtValue += "\'";
    System.out.println("column type" + columnTypes[col]);
    System.out.println("fmt value " + fmtValue);
    return fmtValue;

   *fillData method is called to fill up the data into JTextFields that forms a table.
   *filldata method gets data in a vector, and the no of rows and columns. It reads the data
   * from the vector which has elements of String Arrays. This methods reads the data from
   *the String array and populates into JTextField .
   *The column names row would be set to not editable
   *@param JTextField Arrary - target
   *@param Vector -vector where all rows are stored
   *@param int rows - no of rows to be filled out
   *@param int column - no of columns in a row
  public void fillData(javax.swing.JTextField[] tf, java.util.Vector v, int rows, int cols) {
    String rowArr [];
    columnNames = new String[cols];
    int i = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
      rowArr = (String[]) v.elementAt(r);
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        if (r == 0) {
          columnNames[i] = tf[i].getText();


   *the method exUpdate is called when the update button is pressed.
   *The exUpdate  method gets the update statement (DML) from a updateStmtVector and
   * reads one by one and executes it.
   * once all update statements are executed it refreshes the database.

  public void exUpdate() {
    if (updated) {
      String updStmt = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < updateStmtVector.size(); i++) {
        updStmt = (String) updateStmtVector.elementAt(i);
        System.out.println("script " + updStmt);
        modifyDatabase(conn, updStmt);
    } else {
          "No update statement to execute ...",



   *the method exDelete is called when the delete button is pressed.
   *The exDelete  method get the current row and column set by the gui.mouse.m2.mouse handler and
   * deletes the row and refreshes the database after deleteion.

  public void exDelete() {
    String rowArr [];
    String sql = null;
    rowArr = (String[]) recordsVector.elementAt(currentRow);
    sql = "delete from  " + tableName;
    sql += " where  ";
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
      if (c > 0) {
        sql += " and ";
      if (columnTypes[c].equals("date")) {
        sql += "trunc(";
        sql += columnNames[c] + ")";
      } else {
        sql += columnNames[c];

      sql += formatColValue(c, rowArr[c]);

    modifyDatabase(conn, sql);

   *the method exInsert is called when the insert button is pressed.
   *The exInsert method get the no of columns in a row as a parameter and inserts JTextfields
   *into  newRow Array of JTextFields
   *@param int cols - no of columns in a row

  public void exInsert(int cols) {
    if (!inserted) {
      newRow = new javax.swing.JTextField[cols];
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        newRow[c] = new javax.swing.JTextField(10);
        if (columnTypes[c].equals("number")) {
        addComponent(innerPanel, newRow[c]);
      inserted = true;
    } else {
      System.out.println("cols " + cols);
      addNewRow(newRow, cols);

   *the method addNewRow is called to include no of JTextfields into an old array
   * of JTextFields
   *This method is called once the insert button is pressed
   *@param - JTextField array
   *@param - int cols - no of JTextFields to be included
   *@see exInsert
  public void addNewRow(javax.swing.JTextField[] oldArr, int cols) {
    System.out.println("old length " + oldArr.length);
    if (oldArr.length > 0) {
      javax.swing.JTextField newArr [] = new javax.swing.JTextField[cols + oldArr.length];
      copyArray(oldArr, newArr);
      newRow = new javax.swing.JTextField[newArr.length];
      copyArray(newArr, newRow);
    } else {
      javax.swing.JTextField newRow [] = new javax.swing.JTextField[cols];
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        newRow[c] = new javax.swing.JTextField(10);
        if (columnTypes[c].equals("number")) {


    for (int c = 0; c < newRow.length; c++) {
      addComponent(innerPanel, newRow[c]);


   *the method copyArray is used to copy the value of one array to another
   *@param JTextField array - old array of JTextFields
   *@param JTextField array - new array of JTextFields
   *@see addNewRow
  public void copyArray(javax.swing.JTextField[] oldArr, javax.swing.JTextField[] newArr) {

    for (int c = 0; c < oldArr.length; c++)
      newArr[c] = oldArr[c];

    for (int c = 0; c < newArr.length - oldArr.length; c++) {
      newArr[oldArr.length + c] = new javax.swing.JTextField(10);
      if (columnTypes[c].equals("number")) {
        newArr[oldArr.length + c].setText("0");


   *saves the changes to database and refreshes it
   *if the inserted flag is true then reads new records from newRow Array
   * formats insert statement and executes it.
  public void exSave() {
    String sql;
    int totCols = newRow.length;
    int rowCount = 0;
    if (inserted) {
      for (int r = 0; r < (totCols / cols); r++) {
        sql = "insert into " +
            tableName +
            " values (";
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
          System.out.println("type " + columnTypes[c]);
          if (columnTypes[c].equals("varchar2")) {
            sql += "\'";
            sql += newRow[rowCount].getText();
            sql += "\'";
          } else if (columnTypes[c].equals("number")) {
            if (newRow[rowCount].getText() != "") {
              sql += newRow[rowCount].getText();
            } else {
              sql += "0";

          } else if (columnTypes[c].equals("date")) {
            if (newRow[rowCount].getText().length() >= 10) {
              try {
                sql += "to_date('";
                sql += newRow[rowCount].getText().substring(0, 10);
                sql += "\','YYYY-MM-DD')";
              } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    "Invalid date format!!!\n Valid format is [yyyy-mm-dd]",
                    "Error Message ",

            } else {
              sql += "null";
          } else {
            sql += "\'";
            sql += newRow[rowCount].getText();
            sql += "\'";

          if (c != cols - 1) {
            sql += ",";
        sql += ")";
        System.out.println("script " + sql);

        modifyDatabase(conn, sql);
    // executes query to refreshes the table after update or delete or insert

   *The method addComponent is called to include component into a panel.
   *@param Panel - panel name where the component is to be added
   *@param component - the component name that is to be added

  private void addComponent(
      javax.swing.JPanel panel,
      java.awt.Component c) {

   *The method addComponent is called to include component into a panel.
   *@param Panel - panel name where the component is to be added
   *@param component - the component name that is to be added
   *@param row - row of the grid bag layout
   *@param column - column of the grid bag layout
   *@width - filler space width
   *@height - filler space height

  private void addComponent(javax.swing.JPanel panel,
                            java.awt.Component c,
                            int row,
                            int col,
                            int width,
                            int height) {
    // set gridx and gridy
    gbCons.gridx = col;
    gbCons.gridy = row;

    // set width and height
    gbCons.gridwidth = width;
    gbCons.gridheight = height;

    // set constraints
    gbLayout.setConstraints(c, gbCons);

    panel.add(c); // add component

  // action performed is implemented
   *This action perfomed method is called when the user press enter key
   *after changing a value in any of the cell. If the value is changed
   *then an update statment is generated and kept in a vector which is executed later
   * when the save button is pressed.
   *@param ActionEvent - event
  public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
    String evt = e.getActionCommand();
    String oldValue;
    String newValue;
    if (e.getSource() instanceof javax.swing.JTextField) {
      newValue = e.getActionCommand();
      oldValue = getOldValue(currentRow, currentCol);
      if (!oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
        generateUpdateStmt(currentRow, currentCol, newValue);
                                                "old Value " +
                                                oldValue +
                                                " New Value " + evt);

   *main entry method which instantiates RdbmsUtil class

  public static void main(String args []) {

    final RdbmsUtil ru = new RdbmsUtil();

        new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

  /**class gui.mouse.m2.mouse handler is used to capture the current row and current column
   * of the cell where the gui.mouse.m2.mouse pointer is focussed
   *This is used later to process the current row and column

  class MouseHandler
      extends java.awt.event.MouseAdapter
      implements java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener {
    // cell co-ordinates
    int row;
    int col;

    // constructor takes the row and column
    public MouseHandler(int r, int c) {
      row = r;
      col = c;

     *sets the current row and column in a global variable
     *the mousePressed event sets the currentRow and currentCol variables when the gui.mouse.m2.mouse is clicked on the cell
     *this current row and column variables are used to identify the current row and process it.
    public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {
      setCurrentRowCol(row, col);
//      setColumnColor(row,col);

    public void mouseDoubleClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {
      setCurrentRowCol(row, col);
//      setRowColor(row,col);


    public void mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {

    public void mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {

    public void mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {
