package gui.htmlconverter;


public class JavaStream extends BufferedReader
    implements JavaText, CText, CplusplusText {

  private JavaHtmlString mainText = new JavaHtmlString();
  private JavaHtmlString comments = new JavaHtmlString();
  private JavaHtmlString strings = new JavaHtmlString();
  private JavaHtmlString keywords = new JavaHtmlString();
  private boolean lineNumbers = false;
  private boolean justOutputPublic = false;
  private DataOutputStream dos;
  private static String[] reservedWords = javaReservedWords;

  JavaStream(DataInputStream s0, DataOutputStream s1) {
    //super(new BufferedInputStream(s0));
    super(new InputStreamReader(s0));
    dos = s1;

  public void convertToHtml() {
    int index;
    boolean isCommentedOut = false;
    boolean isQuoted = false;
    boolean isSingleQuoted = false;
    String line;
    String str1, str2;
    int lineNumber = 1;

    try {
      while ((line = readLine()) != null) {
        if (justOutputPublic &&
            (line.lastIndexOf("public") == -1)
        // only output public classes

        // output a line number for each line.
        if (lineNumbers)
          line = lineNumber + ".\t" + line;

        // for replacing \t with four spaces
        for (int counter = 0; counter < line.length(); counter++) {
          index = line.indexOf("\t", counter);
          if (index < 0) break;
          // if \t is not find then break this loop
          line = line.substring(0, index) + "    "
              + line.substring(index + 1, line.length());
          // replace \t to four spaces;
          counter = index + 4;
          // update counter

        // for replacing "<" to "&lt;"

        for (int counter = 0; counter < line.length(); counter++) {
          index = line.indexOf("<", counter);
          if (index < 0) break;
          // if < is not find then break this loop
          line = line.substring(0, index) + "&lt;"
              + line.substring(index + 1, line.length());
          // replace < to &lt;
          counter = index + 4;
          // update counter

        while (line != "") {
          if (isCommentedOut) {
            index = line.indexOf("*/");
            if (index >= 0) {
              // if "*/" exists then
              isCommentedOut = false;
              dos.writeBytes(line.substring(0, index) + "*/"
                             + comments.postf);
              if (index + 2 < line.length())
                line = line.substring(index + 2, line.length());
              // break this loop
            } else {
              break;        // break this loop and get next line
          } else if (isQuoted) {
            index = line.indexOf("\"");
            if (index == 0 || index > 0 && line.indexOf("\\") != index - 1) {
              // if "\"" exists then
              isQuoted = false;
              dos.writeBytes(line.substring(0, index) + "\"" + strings.postf);
              if (index + 1 < line.length())
                line = line.substring(index + 1, line.length());
                break;      // break this loop and get next line
            } else if (index > 0 && line.indexOf("\\") == index - 1) {
              dos.writeBytes(line.substring(0, index + 1));
              line = line.substring(index + 1, line.length());
          } else if (isSingleQuoted) {      // added this block on 11/4
            index = line.indexOf("'");
            if (index == 0 || index > 0 && line.indexOf("\\") != index - 1) {
              // if "'" exists then
              isSingleQuoted = false;
              dos.writeBytes(line.substring(0, index) + "'");
              if (index + 1 < line.length())
                line = line.substring(index + 1, line.length());
                break;      // break this loop and get next line
            } else if (index > 0 && line.indexOf("\\") == index - 1) {
              dos.writeBytes(line.substring(0, index + 1));
              line = line.substring(index + 1, line.length());
          } else {
            int index1 = line.indexOf("/*");
            int index2 = line.indexOf("//");
            int index3 = line.indexOf("\"");
            int index4 = line.indexOf("'"); // added on 11/4
            if (index1 < 0) index1 = 99999;
            if (index2 < 0) index2 = 99999;
            if (index3 < 0) index3 = 99999;
            if (index4 < 0) index4 = 99999; // added on 11/4

            // if "/*" is lefter than "//" and "\""
            if (index1 < index2 && index1 < index3 && index1 < index4) {
              // modified on 11/4
              isCommentedOut = true;
              if (index1 > 0)
                print(line.substring(0, index1), 0, 0);
              dos.writeBytes(comments.pref + "/*");
              line = line.substring(index1 + 2, line.length());
              // if "//" is lefter than "/*" and "\""
            } else if (index2 < index1 && index2 < index3 && index2 < index4) {
              // modified on 11/4
              if (index2 > 0)
                print(line.substring(0, index2), 0, 0);
              dos.writeBytes(comments.pref + "//"
                             + line.substring(index2 + 2, line.length()) + comments.postf);
              break;            // break this loop and get next line
              // if "\"" is lefter than "//" and "/*"
            } else if (index3 < index1 && index3 < index2 && index3 < index4) {
              // modified on 11/4
              isQuoted = true;
              if (index3 > 0)
                print(line.substring(0, index3), 0, 0);
              dos.writeBytes(strings.pref + "\"");
              line = line.substring(index3 + 1, line.length());
            } else if (index4 < index1 && index4 < index2 && index4 < index3) {
              // added on 11/4
              isSingleQuoted = true;
              if (index4 > 0)
                print(line.substring(0, index4), 0, 0);
              line = line.substring(index4 + 1, line.length());
            } else {
              print(line, 0, 0);
    } catch (IOException e) {

  public void print(String line, int offset, int index) {
    try {
      if (index >= reservedWords.length) {

      if (offset == 0)
        offset = line.indexOf(reservedWords[index]);

      if (offset >= 0) {
        char beforeKeyword = ' ';
        char afterKeyword = ' ';

        if (offset - 1 >= 0)
          beforeKeyword = line.charAt(offset - 1);
        if (offset + reservedWords[index].length() < line.length())
          afterKeyword = line.charAt(offset + reservedWords[index].length());

        switch (beforeKeyword) {
          case ' ':
          case '\t':
          case '\r':
          case '(':
          case '{':
          case ')':
          case ':':
          case ';':
          case '.':
          case ',':
            switch (afterKeyword) {
              case ' ':
              case '\t':
              case '\r':
              case '(':
              case '{':
              case ')':
              case ':':
              case ';':
              case '.':
              case ',':
                String str1 = line.substring(0, offset);
                String str2 = line.substring(offset + reservedWords[index].length(),
                line = str1 + keywords.pref + reservedWords[index] + keywords.postf + str2;

                offset = line.indexOf(reservedWords[index],
                                      offset + keywords.pref.length() + reservedWords[index].length()
                                      + keywords.postf.length());

                print(line, offset, index);
      print(line, 0, index + 1);
    } catch (IOException e) {

  public JavaHtmlString getMainText() {
    return mainText;

  public void setMainText(JavaHtmlString mainText) {
    this.mainText = mainText;

  public JavaHtmlString getComments() {
    return comments;

  public void setComments(JavaHtmlString comments) {
    this.comments = comments;

  public JavaHtmlString getStrings() {
    return strings;

  public void setStrings(JavaHtmlString strings) {
    this.strings = strings;

  public JavaHtmlString getKeywords() {
    return keywords;

  public void setKeywords(JavaHtmlString keywords) {
    this.keywords = keywords;

  public boolean isLineNumbers() {
    return lineNumbers;

  public void setLineNumbers(boolean lineNumbers) {
    this.lineNumbers = lineNumbers;

  public boolean isJustOutputPublic() {
    return justOutputPublic;

  public void setJustOutputPublic(boolean justOutputPublic) {
    this.justOutputPublic = justOutputPublic;

  public DataOutputStream getDos() {
    return dos;

  public void setDos(DataOutputStream dos) {
    this.dos = dos;

  public static String[] getReservedWords() {
    return reservedWords;

  public static void setReservedWords(String[] reservedWords) {
    JavaStream.reservedWords = reservedWords;
