package graphics.graph;

import java.awt.*;

public class ImageUtil
     *  The responsibility of this class is to aid in the
     *  creating of screen images for double buffering.
     */ {
  private Panel p = new Panel();
  private Image offscreen;
  private Dimension offscreensize;
  private Graphics offgraphics;

  public Graphics getOffGraphics() {
    return offgraphics;

  public Dimension getOffScreenSize() {
    return offscreensize;

  public Image getOffScreen() {
    return offscreen;

  public void setPanel(Panel panel)
       *    this will let the ImageUtil perform what it
       *   needs to do on a specific desired panel.
       */ {
    p = panel;

  public void createBuffer(Dimension d) {
    offscreen = p.createImage(d.width, d.height);
    offscreensize = d;
    if (offgraphics != null)
    offgraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();