package cutils.delegate;

 ChineseExample class  - example class
 AmericanExample class - example class
 @author: Job Shen
 These classes are used by the cutils.delegate synthesizer to automatically
 generate a new class file which inheritate them


// --------- auto gened example:

class ChineseExample extends Exception {
  public ChineseExample() {

  public String toString() {
    return "ChineseExample";

  public ChineseExample(String s) {

  public String language() {
    return "ChineseExample";

  public String bornCountry() throws ChineseExample {
    String s = new String("china");
    if (!s.equals("china"))
      throw new ChineseExample("not born in china, born in" + s);
    return "china";

class AmericanExample {
  public String language() {
    return "English";

  public boolean liveUSA() {
    return true;