package cutils.classDumper;


 * This class is used to manipulate Java class files in strange and
 * mysterious ways.


 * Usage it typically to feed it an array of bytes that are a class

 * file, manipulate the class, then convert the class back into bytes,

 * and feed the final result to <TT>defineClass()</TT>.


 * @version     1.6, 19 Aug 1995

 * @author  Chuck McManis

 * @see     AttributeInfo

 * @see     ConstantPoolInfo

 * @see     MethodInfo

 * @see     FieldInfo


public class ClassFile {

  int magic;

  short majorVersion;

  short minorVersion;

  ConstantPoolInfo constantPool[];

  short accessFlags;

  ConstantPoolInfo thisClass;

  ConstantPoolInfo superClass;

  ConstantPoolInfo interfaces[];

  FieldInfo fields[];

  MethodInfo methods[];

  AttributeInfo attributes[];

  boolean isValidClass = false;

  public static final int ACC_PUBLIC = 0x1;

  public static final int ACC_PRIVATE = 0x2;

  public static final int ACC_PROTECTED = 0x4;

  public static final int ACC_STATIC = 0x8;

  public static final int ACC_FINAL = 0x10;

  public static final int ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x20;

  public static final int ACC_THREADSAFE = 0x40;

  public static final int ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x80;

  public static final int ACC_NATIVE = 0x100;

  public static final int ACC_INTERFACE = 0x200;

  public static final int ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x400;

  public boolean debug = false;

  public boolean dumpConstants = false;


   * Read a class from InputStream <i>in</i>.


  public boolean read(InputStream in)

      throws IOException {

    DataInputStream di = new DataInputStream(in);

    int count;

    magic = di.readInt();

    if (magic != (int) 0xCAFEBABE) {

      return (false);


    majorVersion = di.readShort();

    minorVersion = di.readShort();

    count = di.readShort();

    constantPool = new ConstantPoolInfo[count];

    if (debug)

      System.out.println("read(): Read writeHeader...");

    constantPool[0] = new ConstantPoolInfo();

    for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      constantPool[i] = new ConstantPoolInfo();

      if (!constantPool[i].read(di)) {

        return (false);


      // These two types take up "two" spots in the table

      if ((constantPool[i].type == ConstantPoolInfo.LONG) ||

          (constantPool[i].type == ConstantPoolInfo.DOUBLE))




     * Update pointers in the constant table. This turns the

     * table into a real datastructure.


     * TODO: Have it verify that the right arguments are present


    for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      if (constantPool[i] == null)


      if (constantPool[i].index1 > 0)

        constantPool[i].arg1 = constantPool[constantPool[i].index1];

      if (constantPool[i].index2 > 0)

        constantPool[i].arg2 = constantPool[constantPool[i].index2];


    if (dumpConstants) {

      for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

        System.out.println("C" + i + " - " + constantPool[i]);



    accessFlags = di.readShort();

    thisClass = constantPool[di.readShort()];

    superClass = constantPool[di.readShort()];

    if (debug)

      System.out.println("read(): Read class info...");


     * Identify all of the interfaces implemented by this class


    count = di.readShort();

    if (count != 0) {

      if (debug)

        System.out.println("Class implements " + count + " interfaces.");

      interfaces = new ConstantPoolInfo[count];

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        int iindex = di.readShort();

        if ((iindex < 1) || (iindex > constantPool.length - 1))

          return (false);

        interfaces[i] = constantPool[iindex];

        if (debug)

          System.out.println("I" + i + ": " + interfaces[i]);



    if (debug)

      System.out.println("read(): Read interface info...");


     * Identify all fields in this class.


    count = di.readShort();

    if (debug)

      System.out.println("This class has " + count + " fields.");

    if (count != 0) {

      fields = new FieldInfo[count];

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        fields[i] = new FieldInfo();

        if (!fields[i].read(di, constantPool)) {

          return (false);


        if (debug)

          System.out.println("F" + i + ": " +




    if (debug)

      System.out.println("read(): Read field info...");


     * Identify all the methods in this class.


    count = di.readShort();

    if (count != 0) {

      methods = new MethodInfo[count];

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        methods[i] = new MethodInfo();

        if (!methods[i].read(di, constantPool)) {

          return (false);


        if (debug)

          System.out.println("M" + i + ": " + methods[i].toString());



    if (debug)

      System.out.println("read(): Read method info...");


     * Identify all of the attributes in this class


    count = di.readShort();

    if (count != 0) {

      attributes = new AttributeInfo[count];

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        attributes[i] = new AttributeInfo();

        if (!attributes[i].read(di, constantPool)) {

          return (false);




    if (debug) {

      System.out.println("read(): Read attribute info...");



    isValidClass = true;

    return (true);



   * Write the class out as a stream of bytes to the output

   * stream.


   * Generally you will read a class file, manipulate

   * it in some way, and then write it out again before passing

   * it to <TT>defineClass</TT> in some class loader.


  public void write(OutputStream out)

      throws IOException, Exception {

    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out);

    if (!isValidClass) {

      throw new Exception("ClassFile::write() - Invalid Class");






    for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      if (constantPool[i] != null)

        constantPool[i].write(dos, constantPool);



    dos.writeShort(ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(thisClass, constantPool));

    dos.writeShort(ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(superClass, constantPool));

    if (interfaces == null)
    else {
      for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
                interfaces[i], constantPool));

    } // end else

    if (fields == null) {


    } else {


      for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

        fields[i].write(dos, constantPool);



    if (methods == null) {


    } else {


      for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {

        methods[i].write(dos, constantPool);



    if (attributes == null) {


    } else {


      for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {

        attributes[i].write(dos, constantPool);





   * Returns a string that represents what the access flags

   * are set for. So 0x14 returns "public final "


  public static String accessString(short flags) {

    StringBuffer x = new StringBuffer();

    if ((flags & ACC_PUBLIC) != 0) {

      x.append("public ");


    if ((flags & ACC_PRIVATE) != 0) {

      x.append("private ");


    if ((flags & ACC_PROTECTED) != 0) {

      x.append("protected ");


    if ((flags & ACC_STATIC) != 0) {

      x.append("static ");


    if ((flags & ACC_FINAL) != 0) {

      x.append("final ");


    if ((flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0) {

      x.append("synchronized ");


    if ((flags & ACC_THREADSAFE) != 0) {

      x.append("threadsafe ");


    if ((flags & ACC_TRANSIENT) != 0) {

      x.append("transient ");


    if ((flags & ACC_NATIVE) != 0) {

      x.append("native ");


    if ((flags & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0) {

      x.append("interface ");


    if ((flags & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0) {

      x.append("abstract ");


    return (x.toString());



   * Takes a type signature and a string representing a variable name

   * and returns a declaration for that variable name.


   * For example, passing this the strings "[B" and "myArray" will

   * return the string "byte myArray[]"


  public static String typeString(String typeString, String varName) {

    int isArray = 0;

    int ndx = 0;

    StringBuffer x = new StringBuffer();

    while (typeString.charAt(ndx) == '[') {




    switch (typeString.charAt(ndx)) {

      case 'B':

        x.append("byte ");


      case 'C':

        x.append("char ");


      case 'D':

        x.append("double ");


      case 'F':

        x.append("float ");


      case 'I':

        x.append("int ");


      case 'J':

        x.append("long ");


      case 'L':

        for (int i = ndx + 1; i < typeString.indexOf(';'); i++) {

          if (typeString.charAt(i) != '/')





        x.append(" ");


      case 'V':

        x.append("void ");


      case 'S':

        x.append("short ");


      case 'Z':

        x.append("boolean ");




    while (isArray > 0) {




    return (x.toString());



   * Returns the next signature from a string of concatenated signatures.

   * For example if the signature was "[BII", this method would return

   * "II"


  public static String nextSig(String sig) {

    int ndx = 0;

    String x;

    while (sig.charAt(ndx) == '[')


    if (sig.charAt(ndx) == 'L') {

      while (sig.charAt(ndx) != ';')




    x = (sig.substring(ndx));

    return (x);



   * Print the name of a class in "canonical form"


  private String printClassName(String s) {

    StringBuffer x;

    if (s.charAt(0) == '[') {

      return (typeString(s, ""));


    x = new StringBuffer();

    for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) {

      if (s.charAt(j) == '/')





    return (x.toString());


  public String getClassName() {

    return printClassName(thisClass.arg1.strValue);



   * The boring version of display().


  public String toString() {

    return ("Class File (Version " + majorVersion + "." + minorVersion +

        ") for class " + thisClass.arg1);



   * Write out a text version of this class.


  public void display(PrintStream ps)

      throws Exception {

    int i;

    String myClassName;

    String mySuperClassName;

    String packageName = null;

    if (!isValidClass) {

      ps.println("Not a valid class");


    myClassName = printClassName(thisClass.arg1.strValue);

    mySuperClassName = printClassName(superClass.arg1.strValue);

    if (myClassName.indexOf('.') > 0) {

      packageName =

          myClassName.substring(0, myClassName.lastIndexOf('.'));

      myClassName = myClassName.substring(myClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

      ps.println("package " + packageName + "\n");


    for (i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      if (constantPool[i] == null)


      if ((constantPool[i] == thisClass) ||

          (constantPool[i] == superClass))


      if (constantPool[i].type == ConstantPoolInfo.CLASS) {

        String s = constantPool[i].arg1.strValue;

        if (s.charAt(0) == '[')


        s = printClassName(constantPool[i].arg1.strValue);

        if ((packageName != null) && (s.startsWith(packageName)))


        ps.println("import " + printClassName(s) + ";");





    DataInputStream dis;

    ConstantPoolInfo cpi;

    if (attributes != null) {

      ps.println(" * This class has " + attributes.length +

                 " optional class attributes.");

      ps.println(" * These attributes are: ");

      for (i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {

        String attrName = attributes[i].name.strValue;

        dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(attributes[i].data));

        ps.println(" * Attribute " + (i + 1) + " is of type " + attributes[i].name);

        if (attrName.compareTo("SourceFile") == 0) {

          cpi = null;

          try {

            cpi = constantPool[dis.readShort()];

          } catch (IOException e) {

          ps.println(" *    SourceFile : " + cpi);

        } else {

          ps.println(" *    TYPE (" + attrName + ")");



    } else {

      ps.println(" * This class has NO optional class attributes.");


    ps.println(" */\n");

    ps.print(accessString(accessFlags) + "class " + myClassName + " extends " +


    if (interfaces != null) {

      ps.print(" implements ");

      for (i = 0; i < interfaces.length - 1; i++) {

        ps.print(interfaces[i].arg1.strValue + ", ");


      ps.print(interfaces[interfaces.length - 1].arg1.strValue);


    ps.println(" {\n");

    if (fields != null) {

      ps.println("/* Instance Variables */");

      for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

        ps.println("    " + fields[i].toString(constantPool) + ";");



    if (methods != null) {

      ps.println("\n/* Methods */");

      for (i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {

        ps.println("    " + methods[i].toString(myClassName));





  public ConstantPoolInfo getConstantRef(short index) {

    return (constantPool[index]);



   * Add a single constant pool item and return its index.

   * If the item is already in the pool then the index of

   * the <i>preexisting</i> item is returned. Thus you cannot

   * assume that a pointer to your item will be useful.


  public short addConstantPoolItem(ConstantPoolInfo item)

      throws Exception {

    ConstantPoolInfo newConstantPool[];

    ConstantPoolInfo cp;

    cp = item.inPool(constantPool);

    if (cp != null)

      return ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(cp, constantPool);

    newConstantPool = new ConstantPoolInfo[constantPool.length + 1];

    for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      newConstantPool[i] = constantPool[i];


    newConstantPool[constantPool.length] = item;

    constantPool = newConstantPool;

    return ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(item, constantPool);



   * Add some items to the constant pool. This is used to add new

   * items to the constant pool. The items references in arg1 and

   * arg2 are expected to be valid pointers (if necessary). Pruning

   * is done to prevent adding redundant items to the list and to

   * preserve string space.


   * The algorithm is simple, first identify pool items containing

   * constants in the list of items to be added that are already

   * in the constant pool. If any are found to already exist, change

   * the pointers in the non-constant items to point to the ones in

   * the pool rather than the ones in the list. Next check to see

   * if any of the non-constant items are already in the pool and

   * if so fix up the others in the list to point to the ones in

   * the pool. Finally, add any items (there must be at least one)

   * from the item list that aren't already in the pool, all of

   * the pointers will already be fixed.


   * NOTE: Since constants in the constant pool may be referenced

   * <i>inside</i> the opaque portion of attributes the constant

   * table cannot be re-ordered, only extended.


  public void addConstantPoolItems(ConstantPoolInfo items[]) {

    ConstantPoolInfo newArg;

    ConstantPoolInfo newConstantPool[];

    boolean delete[] = new boolean[items.length];

    /* Step one, look for matching constants */

    for (int j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {

      if ((items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.ASCIZ) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.UNICODE) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.INTEGER) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.LONG) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.FLOAT) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.DOUBLE)) {

        // Look for this item in the constant pool

        delete[j] = false;

        newArg = items[j].inPool(constantPool);

        if (newArg != null) {

          // replace the references in our list.

          delete[j] = true; // mark it for deletion

          for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

            if (items[i].arg1 == items[j])

              items[i].arg1 = newArg;

            if (items[i].arg2 == items[j])

              items[i].arg2 = newArg;





    /* Step two : now match everything else */

    for (int j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {

      if ((items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.CLASS) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.FIELDREF) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.METHODREF) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.STRING) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.INTERFACE) ||

          (items[j].type == ConstantPoolInfo.NAMEANDTYPE)) {

        // Look for this item in the constant pool

        delete[j] = false;

        newArg = items[j].inPool(constantPool);

        if (newArg != null) {

          // replace the references in our list.

          delete[j] = true; // mark it for deletion

          for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

            if (items[i].arg1 == items[j])

              items[i].arg1 = newArg;

            if (items[i].arg2 == items[j])

              items[i].arg2 = newArg;





    /* Step three: Add the surviving items to the pool */

    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

      if (!delete[i])



    // count == # of survivors

    newConstantPool = new ConstantPoolInfo[constantPool.length + count];

    for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      newConstantPool[i] = constantPool[i];


    // newConstantPool == existing constantPool

    int ndx = 0;

    for (int i = constantPool.length; i < newConstantPool.length; i++) {

      while (delete[ndx])


      newConstantPool[i] = items[ndx];



    // newConstantPool == existing + new

    constantPool = newConstantPool;

    // all done.



   * Add a new optional class Attribute.


   * Items is an array of constant pool items that are first added

   * to the constant pool. At a minimum items[0] must be an ASCIZ

   * item with the name of the attribute. If the body of the attribute

   * references constant pool items these should be in the item list

   * as well.


  public void addAttribute(AttributeInfo newAttribute) {

    if (attributes == null) {

      attributes = new AttributeInfo[1];

      attributes[0] = newAttribute;

    } else {

      AttributeInfo newAttrList[] = new AttributeInfo[1 + attributes.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {

        newAttrList[i] = attributes[i];


      newAttrList[attributes.length] = newAttribute;

      attributes = newAttrList;




   * Return the attribute named 'name' from the class file.


  public AttributeInfo getAttribute(String name) {

    if (attributes == null)

      return null;

    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {

      if (name.compareTo(attributes[i].name.toString()) == 0)

        return attributes[i];


    return (null);



   * Return a constant pool item from this class. (note does fixup

   * of indexes to facilitate extracting nested or linked items.


  public ConstantPoolInfo getConstantPoolItem(short index)

      throws Exception {

    ConstantPoolInfo cp;

    if ((index <= 0) || (index > (constantPool.length - 1)))

      return (null);

    cp = constantPool[index];

    if (cp.arg1 != null)

      cp.index1 = ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(cp.arg1, constantPool);

    if (cp.arg2 != null)

      cp.index2 = ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(cp.arg2, constantPool);

    return cp;


  /* Examples of mysterious things you can do to a class file before

   * writing it back out. These methods are not currently functional.

   * (that would be too easy :-)



   * Map occurences of class <i>oldClass</i> to occurrences of

   * class <i>newClass</i>. This method is used to retarget

   * accesses to one class, seamlessly to another.


   * The format for the class name is slash (/) separated so

   * the class <tt>util.ClassFile</tt> would be represented as

   * <tt>util/ClassFile</tt>


  public void mapClass(String oldClass, String newClass) {

    if (debug)

      System.out.println("Mapping class name " + oldClass + " ==> " +

                         newClass + " for class " + thisClass.arg1);

    for (int i = 0; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      if (constantPool[i].type == ConstantPoolInfo.CLASS) {

        String cname = constantPool[i].arg1.strValue;

        if (cname.compareTo(oldClass) == 0) {

          if (debug) {

            System.out.println("REPLACING " + cname + " with " + newClass);


          constantPool[i].arg1.strValue = newClass;






   * Map occurences of package <i>oldPackage</i> to package

   * <i>newPackage</i>.


   * The format for the package name is slash (/) separated so

   * the package <tt>java.util</tt> would be represented as

   * <tt>java/util</tt>


  public void mapPackage(String oldPackage, String newPackage) {

    for (int i = 0; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      if (constantPool[i].type == ConstantPoolInfo.CLASS) {

        String cname = constantPool[i].arg1.strValue;

        if (cname.startsWith(oldPackage)) {

          constantPool[i].arg1.strValue = newPackage +







   * Delete a named method from this class. This method is used

   * to excise specific methods from the loaded class. The actual

   * method code remains, however the method signature is deleted

   * from the constant pool. If this method is called by a class

   * the exception IncompatibleClassChangeException is generated

   * by the runtime.


  public void deleteMethod(String name, String signature) {

    for (int i = 0; i < constantPool.length; i++) {

      if (constantPool[i].type == ConstantPoolInfo.CLASS) {



